torsdag 14 juli 2011

Life as it is, its a hell and its a heaven

-Human mind!!!!!! What is that?
We work diffrently, all of us. We think diffrently, all of us. But we are so alike.
We have a habitt to see things in a angle that fits us, when we see a searten thought and belive and feel that it is like that, then we settle with that thought and buy it to 100%. Its then we think we know that it is like that.
It never acured you that you might see it from that angle that the other 3,5 billion people see it from, too??
Just becouse you think an apple is red, it doesent have to mean that the apple have to be red, it can be green too.
What is the diffrence between your neighbour, and you? Is it what we work with? Or is it becouse you are way more better then him?
Answer, and the true answer no matter what YOU say against me, i am right. And the answer is; we are both humans, no body is better then the other.
It doesent matter what you work with, it dont make you more diffrent from me, we are both flesh and blood made by GODs breath, and mother earths mudd.
Men have a bad way of seing magazine girls as their potential girlfriends, wich is so sick, you can never have that photoshop girl, she dont exist, its just a peace of paper you see, and by the way, she would never look at you on the street if you met that photoshopped girl.
Girls have a bad way to belive that if you are a Hollywood star or a singer, you are not human, so its ok to fuck them behind her mans back. They never understand that even if you are a star, it dont make them to anything else then a human, and your man or husband or boyfriend to a cheeting victime, that you made.
I have a good example: I saw before a guy who said that no girl looked at him or said anything sexy of him, suddenly he went to "IDOL" that program on TV where they gamble who sings best, when he made it there pretty good, every girl suddenly started to whizzle and say sweet stuff like he is so good looking and all that.
So a girl thinks its ok to fuck a guy if he is a star or famous, and they dont see that as cheeting.
Humans have a bad way of seing a famous person better looking and sexyer then his or her partner... My advise, if you in your heart think that some famous is better looking then your partner... PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE BREAKE UP!!!!!! It showes only the world that he or she is not the one you wanna be with.
If you have a partner, then that shall be everything, more then anyone else is, in every areas.
You wouldent have to stare your self blind and smile on a nother guy if you have a partner.
It is cheeting when you starting to develoap a sight to more then you can handle.
Its natural to think a girl or a boy is beautiful, that is ok becouse we are humans, but starting to see him or her as better looking then your partner, then you shall not have a partner, you aint mature yet to have a relationship yet.
So we humans are humans no matter what we work with, we are the same, no one is better then anyone.

CHILDREN!!!! Yea what about children? They dont understand the logical things as we grown ups do, so please have patience with your children.
Dont hit them as soon as they fail, they will not learn anything from hitting, more then that they can hit others, and when they grow up, they only know its ok to beat up his wife, or her husband, or beat up his own kids.
Teach them with words and knowlidge of the bad and good in the world, not hit never.
This was only fue thoughts i have had the past week that has gone, and i needed to write it down.
Trust me on this, if i dident know i am right in this little posting, then i would never have posted it......

Castle of standing kings

Tell me you miss me, tell me no stories of what you once knew.
Dream castle stands alone in my dreams, are no more haunted then your dreams.
I suffered once for a girl, i told her where my safe is, one day i was empty and open...
I belive in my safe to be closed, but only for that day when i can trust that nobody breakes in it again.
What is a heart?
Does it lie?
Iknew the words "im the only one" once, i belived on them until i saw the dream she kept from me.

Tell me you miss me, tell me no stories....
I am nothing more then a soldier of gods will and orders from our seargent.
I am Michael, i am no body, i came once, one day i am gone.
Together we can fight the sunset, together we can breake the lie from a dark shutted world.
Nights are getting darker, it suffecates the fall from love. Until we hold each other, then we breath again.
Tired of being lonely, tired of riding the potential love that you bet you sallary on.
Loosing for a day, winning for a minute, what you choose?

Hold my heart for one second, belive in it for a minute, save it in you for an houer...
Love song that gave me a smile, i rather heare Miss may i who sang how he hated the world.
Comfort in a hatefull song gives me relief, love song from Taylor is only making my stomach go wild with puke and sleeping pills.
Give me alcohol and i give you a smile, just becouse you were sweet who shared the same thought as me.
Maybe i am the only who understands you, does that mean i belong to you?

Dream castles are ment to be dreamed in, not live in.
Iknow that i live in a cold hard world, not in that castle...

söndag 10 juli 2011

One eavning smile

With thousend miles home, im waiting for someone.
Inside the walls the bells are silent, the moon the night no nobody is happyer then the child who sleeps without no evil harm.
With eyes that tells dont cry, are singing for me.
Somewhere over white blanket mountaines of white snow, there somewhere a choir sings the song that we sang for our kids.
When you pass me, dont stop, keep walking becouse you will never know me, but i will smile upon you, iknew you once, once when you were alive but now it seems you forgotten me.

Sky is falling down on the springs nose, the tounge of summer will whisper a warm breeze to you.
To keep you warm in a summer rain.
In the heart it is written with rare letters, those letters that a man got a moon and a field in a womans heart.
I never deserved those valleys, i only deserved that what she gave me one december night, when she walked me by without seeing me... but i do did my smiling becouse, yea iknew her once and she me....

You know where to find me, dont go yet, just pass me by. So i can smile one more time.
Memories in a soft slowmotion showed me an old video in my head how we danced that summer eavning that was warm and nice, we smiled that night, today winter froze your heart, and all we share is a soft breezed memory that once were....

Sunshine lips and love telling fields

Days feeling lonely, miss you. Thinking with an empty heart, wishing she was here to fill it with eyes of blessed child.
Tear fell down like a monsune rain on one lane road, i pray and hope she comes to kiss it away with shining sun with bright stars.
I fell inlove with her, fell inlove with her eyes. Time today stands still, seconds so hard so tearing.
But iknow i love that girl i fell inlove with....

Smiles thought me about a world that existed beyond the fields i only knew.
Silence surrounded of memories of painful living from past. Knife stabbed me many times in my back, friends did that.
So many tears i shade before, tears with no exit graved in.
Years went, i missed a pair of lips i never knew existed, but i still dreamed bout that star that shines brighter then any other one.
Days went minutes went with years by.

Now i live on the other side of the hedge, i can only wait, becouse that girl, she will come, iknow now for sure.
I fell inlove with an alien, i love her so much....

söndag 3 juli 2011

Class of 2011 3.0

-Human is a very complexed animal. But yet so easy to understand, maybe becouse i am a human my self.
We see things, we feel things, we think diffrent but still likewise.
Feelings, yea feelings.... If you see the colour red, you feel maybe love or maybe a heart, but most of all you feel the warm feeling.
Blue colour, you maybe think of ice, or pure, but most of all you think of cold.
Thats is what im trying to say, we see things we develoap them to feelings.
Some of us like me, we can have one searten issue or thing that happens or happend in our life formed to a song that fits in that issue.
When i read facebook postings, most of the time i dont just read it, i feel the writers feelings behind that posting. Its much easyer to understand what he or she is trying to say with that posting.

I work as a sander, when i come to a floor i never saw before, well ive seen every floor in sweden i mean pine ive seen, oak ive seen, etc... But i mean that appartments or that houses floor, that i never have seen before. The first thing i do is to check the floor, walk around quiet, feel the floor, what is the floor trying to tell me...
When i have the message from it then i start to talk with the owner. When i have a problem wich i can not solve with the floor i sit down on the floor and let it start to tell me its secret recipy to solve the issue, and 99% of the times i get the answer, i call it "consulting time with the floor" or "let the floor whisper to me".
So what we humans do, we do it with feelings.
We all are the same but we do it in diffrent ways, a good example on what im trying to say is that every human has their nose on same place as every one else, eyes we have on the same place, we have 2 eyes 1 nose 1 mouth on exact same place, but still we look so diffrent from each other.
The thinking way is the same we think so alike, but still so unlikely...
There is the interresting part to study human, same same but different.

So what im trying to say with this posting is that we pick up everything in feelings more or less, so that must mean that we all are built by feelings, some have more feelings some less, but still we feel in our soul what ever we do.
This is my class, stay and learn or be dismissed....

lördag 2 juli 2011

Here but still not there

Walking along the streets. Dissepearing among the shadows of darkness. I was bruised from the battles in me.
Reflection in a window gave me no recognition of who i was.
Walking among the avenue of stones, friends gone, vanished in my vaines long time ago.
Night fell that day upon my soul, my shoulders weighed heavy that night, i was alone that night.
Skin of mine itches against my clothes, feeling my self fading away, like that kiss that came to me one day in cold November.

Walking among the shadows of houses, streets. Its cold around me, its dark around my body.
I cant tell how i felt, i dont know my self anymore, i changed maybe over that night when i visited the streets of Philadelphia.
Steps my feet hit on the ground never heard to the valleys of Scottland as i wanted.
I still feel my self fading away. Leaving slowly this cold rotten world.
Play that song for me later.
Not even a mirror wanted to give me the highest score in looking good, then who can?
I was once i was never. I wanna go home, yet sit here awhile...

Im alone, keeping all the thoughts i wrote on one line in my head, it fitted one thousend and still not even a single letter.
Im a scientist, did you know that? Ofcourse you dident, you never wanted me to explore your body and your love, what is a scientist without exploring his work he love?
Belief is something we cherish, but only in that little world of flowers of yours.

Streets are dark, silent, empty... Im all alone, it all be alright. I go to sleep when no body notice that...
I might be lost, but yet not found.
Good things never last, iknow becouse i was good once....

Loose the heart in your soul

Rain poors outside my tears. Talk to me, but not like that.
You saw my rain fall down upon my cheek. Again you see my heat in the night.
I can stand here out in the rain. But im all alone inside me.
Talk to me, want my love. But not my fear.
Who will know, know my truth behind my tears, who want to see the fragile soul in my rain?

There is so many "but" in a heart, so many doubts in brain. But as long as my tears are raining down, there is no buts, no fear, only a truth that haunts me every single day.
I loose controll, i loose my sensibillity of the truth.
Talk to me, leave the fear out of this. Just talk to me and want my love. But not like that....
Words are dangerous, use your feelings please....

Is it too late to say i love you? Is it too late to say im sorry? Iknow only one thing... Talk to me, want my love, dry my tears shine my sun in me. Only you can.... Please.....

onsdag 29 juni 2011

Fairytale gone splitted

Fairytale fell apart its in peaces on the floore. The cursed shadow from the mirror from that fairytale splittered a dream a broaken hearted girl once had.
One more dream she sayed, one more and i will be gone. One more dream she wanted with the love of her life.
She wanted be loved, but it fell on that cold floore, it was a fairytale that lasted only that night she loved.
Under a warm blanket....
Open up, becouse i love you. Echoes still sound between the walls in her ear drum.
Feelings that once were woved, are now cold in a dark cave with the most closed eyes.

Her memories of how warm arms wrapped around her were like melted ice cream in her heart, now are frozen to an icecikle that no one dears to lick with its naked tounge.
Fairytale fell apart, her fairytale.
Still she talks to her self, but not like that.....

lördag 11 juni 2011

Silent are they trees so beautiful...

Night over dover, sinks once when we were small.
Time flew over our voices inside our head.
Near, close as we patronise. Me you, we both know where we begun.
Heart feels something warm, no its not sauna.
I will lay down my guns, and sweap my wings around you.
My words are silent, my thoughts are a secret. Everytime i close my eyes, i see the world you dont see.
When morning comes, maybe i am not there to hold you as i did this night. Iknow only that this night we laughed and shared something you and me share in theese final houers.
When morning comes, i will be off, somewhere no one needs me like you did. Somewhere where i am no body, there i shall walk alone. People everywhere, people walking blinded, maybe by the sun but sure as hell they dont know me. Iguess they are blinded by the sun...
Forgive me for this morning, remember me for last night. Maybe i dident kiss you enough, maybe i dident hold you hard enough. But as far as i calculated, i loved you harder then you know, more enough then you ever thought.
My road leads me to a star, you know that one to the left of the one to the right, yeah my road leads always me there.

I am only a child to god, only a grown up to a child. I am nobody, but still famous enough for they who me know well.
I am that dream you always had, i can be who ever you want, but tonite i was the one that i wanted, i was the one that loved you as you needed in your heart. Tomorrow you can be again who ever you want, but right now when you close your eyes, both of us know that we shared more then anyone else knows.
I will lay down my heart next to your pillow when you fall asleep, so you remember me always as the one that knew you by you. When you open your eyes in the morning, its then i close mine, becouse iknow you made the night safe and sound, my work is then done, i fly away from you, never again i am who i was.
I never was......
I never was......

I cant make you love me, if you dont love me.

lördag 28 maj 2011

Fucked up blueberrys

Like blueberrys tightened to my fist, i survive the situation of the world.
I respect that im rude, i respect that you are fucked up. But tonight im taking whats mine.
Dont ask my forgivness, i never wanted yours.
Blame the sun and its saunset, never blame me that the early snow fell, tonight i will make you fall.
Pain, im not rude, im only giving you what belongs to you, i think you lost it. Now you know how it was.

Blue berry tightened to my fist, i smash your face with it. Lights shine on my way i walk, i never fucking asked for that, but my uncle Boris choosed that for me.
Sometimes i smile, but not for you, i smaile becouse iknow you will fail.
Depressions is one of my many lifes, that came when you smiled and said hi...
Wind blows to west, and the breeze came from east. I smoked up my cigar, still i breath the same poisened air that you do.
Dont blame me for smoking, you fart in the same air i breath.

Give me your life, and i will never give mine to you, fuck you.
Reason to say fuck you.... YOU!
You want me? Fuck that you aint having me, my fantasies you spoke away, you said once my name, i still wonder how you remember my surname.
Pain is your name, and that we all know, becouse we feel it when ever you come around.

onsdag 18 maj 2011


Out of my palm, a tree grows big and strong.
I wait for the palm tree to grow a fruit, years will pass. As my heart, years will pass...
One day i said; i give this fruit to the one that deserves it.
As my heart, for the one who deserves it.
I sang while years passed, i dreamed while years passed by.
I died once, i lived onced, but never with passion.
I joined forces of unthinkable thoughts of darkness. I joined people that never understood me.
Many stars i looked at, many stars i saw fall from heaven above.
It was then i closed my eyes with a small wet tear on my cheek, who once fell from my eye.
Thousends of knifes cutted my heart, hundreds of vains in my heart died.
Night was young, stars still only watched at those lucky once, they never saw me.
Passion of love, flew out one cold night time. I still wonder where?

A tree grows from my palm, big and strong.
Years it took before the january song could forfill its dreams for me, to fill that fruit with juicy stuff that only a dream can discover to a naked taste buds.
One day, iknew i could pick that away from my palmtree, becouse iknew aswell that the stars now saw me, when ever i looked upon the sky, this time i saw them again with a tear, but no longer will that tear cut my heart with sharp edges. It will touch my heart with promissing love of gold and silver that only a dream can wove to me and my love.

Her eyes, that was what it took, the rest, yeah the rest is a rear love story only made by God....

måndag 16 maj 2011

I started this, now i am ending this

A fool who dont think clear always involves in a battle with hunger after kill with only one strike, becouse that is his way of showing power.
A leader always involves in a battle with the knowlidge that he might get killed.
A heroe is he who knows he is entering a battle that could get him killed, but hopes that his fellow ship brothers will survive.

Never start a battle against a stronger force, if you need to go in to a battle, be sure you know what you have for kind of armory, and what you know you are willing to loose, and know what you are gonna loose.
Some things is maybe neacesery to loose, just to keep your freedom. Remember William Wallaces words, they can take our lifes, but they can never take our freedom....

Are you willing to loose your own children just to save your own freedom?
If you are prisiner in a cave you built, and you want out of there, are you willing to sacrifice your most loved ones; your children just to get out of the cave and smell the freedom?
How much will you pay for just see the blue sky in your smile?

Some people say, let it be, dont loose what you love the most. Some people say, you need your freedom, you have to think of your self too.
How do you mix theese two kinds of thoughts?

I am willing to loose mye children for my freedom, yes.... Becouse i am not a human without my freedom, and my children will have their freedom even if i loose them. My freedom is important to me, so are my childrens.
But i can not live without my blue sky in my smile.
And what is then my blue sky in my smile?
It is my future becoming wife, she is my freedom and who i am willing to sacrafise my children for. My war i started tonight, is all about to have my freedom with her.
I dont loose a battle without blood from my opponent in my hands, i share the blood just to have my freedom.

She can take my life away from me, but she can never take my freedom from me

lördag 14 maj 2011

Chocolate flavored appels under a tree

Under an tree i wait for you. Under a dark appel i wonder and stare against the stars.
I walk with my eye and wonder where the stars from midevil time took off.
Look at the boy who sang a song bout saving a rich girl, who fell in love with a boy who sang da dam di dam...

Under a dying tree i look at the footsteps from the soul from the tree went against the sunset.
Footsteps still smelled fresh.
Hate is strong, but a warming heart from a young boy is stronger. Under that tree i shutted my eyes and dreamed bout Kings and Queens in a forreign land, how are they by the way doing today?
Saved by a bell that rang in once in a school that had teachers as projecting missils against the poor children.

Rich girl took off with a boy with a guitarr. She had her doubts, becouse he never sang that song she wanted, i did.
I opened my eyes, sun thrue the oak leafes struggled it thrue all the apples that was hanging like a hanged man in rope. Im heading against to save a planet, walk with me.
Open your hand and sing with me, dont forgett to smile. No one ever listens to a guy who will save a planet or a girl, i am thou simple.
Sweet as appelpie, sweet as a saved planet or a candy in sweet water made by salt and chocolate flavored dreames.
One girl asked once if i like sea salt flavored chocolate, i said yes, she took me by the hand and flew me to a taco world, we ate, watched stars, and smiled, coz we knew life were hard, but yet so beautiful.

Peter once came home, told his mum where the dragon who burned his tounge once were? She smiled at him. Peter is young, very strong minded.
Look at that boy.
Father use to say, where are you heading my son, i never answered, he never were my father, my is dead.
Everybody, join me, sing with me. I only enjoy the life we made, and the life that never made us in time, it missed the bus from Staten Island.

I sit under an appel tree waiting for an appel to fall, i shared that fallen appel with my love, and we smiled, becouse the sky were ment for us.

I sit under a tree....

King over land and valleys

I was a king, who travelled thrue the world. To save the world, to save my love.
I walked land far far over, i stepped on every green grass that world could offer. School thought me to not fight, but world showed me, that was so wrong, i fought twice in Scottland.
Music my ears saluted, it was nice so long it existed in my eardrum.
Keep the money i gave you, i just wanted my pint.
There i berried my love once, there over there i saw a flower grow up from the ground.

I was a King once who threw the dice cross over the floore i sanded. That only happend once becouse i learned that i cant gamble with dices.
Tomorrow dies in the same hand like the other night did.
Boring changes in peoples hearts, boring doubts in peoples toungs.
Live tomorrow and you will face a truth that God holds for you, but seek and you will find it. Tomorrow....

Sing for me and i can walk another meter round the world.
Wait for me and i walk straight in to your arms.
Love me and i will never more walk a nother meter from you....

I was a king once.....
.... Only once....

tisdag 10 maj 2011

A second of lifetime

Definition of a woman who makes a man standing in top of his highest mountain; Carying woman.
He looks at her with his blue-greengrey eyes, hoping she will see him, if just only for a split second.
Her hair is like a dream wave from the ocean that filled every tear with love. Her lips told a thousend year old love story, mixed with shakespears sadfull love to Juliette.
Eyes of hers blinded his words of goodness, made him weeker then he ever imagined him to be towards a woman.

He loved one january night, he loved one april morning. Future loved them both in a woven dream where god gave they his grace.
She gave him the magic word, he was very happy. He gave her his magic heart, the one that only one woman gets forever.
She made him smile one morning in the sun, she made him so happy.

Forever is a long time, but only a second in the world of love.
A second is a life time in his heart, still he loves her more then a second, he loves her a life time in gods world.

måndag 9 maj 2011

My baby, a bombergirl of love

Life never expects to turn out like you want or think.
There is big bumps, small bumps in your path in life.
Some hurt as hell, some just exists but you dont bother bout them.
People see a problem diffrently, some see it in red, some see it in blue, and some people just close their eyes.
How you do when a newclearbomb explodes in your smile one morning in the sun? How do you deal with that?
There is only one way, to live with that wound the rest of your life, and try to make the best of it. It will always be there, but a wound can heal, but it always leaves a scar.
Forgive is one of gods knowlidges, i do forgive, and i dont let love go not even for the worst kind of stupidety that can be brought upon me. Like blowing a hole in me.
I am disgusted i am very angry, but anger has left me today, its only a emptyness that are filled with huge love, but the questions keep haunting me. I waqnna forgett, i wanna move on in the path of love i have, i will manage with that, but once again, TIME is the keyword.
I do love so much still, even that there is a whole in me blown up by a very lovely person who i love with the deepest of my heart so much. I cant say, dont let this happen again, it will happen again, but i doubt i will know of it next time, what would that be called if that happends in the future, keeping information from me? Lieing to me? I dont know, is it better to be aware of it that it happend again, or is it better to not know of that? Its a question i keep asking my self over and over again...
Destroy is easy, building up hurts and are hard, you have to follow your hearts blueprint to build up that destroyed house again. I have the blueprint, iknow how to rise again. But its harder then i did ever know. But im halfway already.
Why did you act like you did? Question that nags me even thou i have the answer already, its like oil and water, you cant mix those two, they cant be mixed, my feeling is like oil and water, i understand but still i dont get it.
I just shouted in me when i saw that, NO! NO! NOOOO! DONT DO THAT TO ME!!!!!! women what can i say, they are an own species, never will i understand them.
If you never can see your own failier, how can you understand the wounds in a person that bleeded of it?
The questions are many, and i dont have the efford to nag more of that. All iknow is that i was hurt, and that i love her so much so much, i cant imagine a life without my babylove. I love you so much baby, forever 15.....

torsdag 5 maj 2011


In a land far far away from here, beyond the star to the left and and the star to the right, there lyes a place among the forgotten stars named; Neverland.

To fly there, you have to fly to statue of liberty, and straight right up.
There in the land, there is no pain, no sorrows. The wind lyes calm, touches your cheek with a memory of goodness what once was.
Your memories.
Grass is smooth as silk, soft as a icecream melted in the hot sun.
Horses running free smiling everytime you meet their blue once. Sun smiles even warmer then a laughin child who you loved once.
Nights are soft breezed, days are colder then too warm, and warmer then coldest day ever.
All you need is a light clothing, those you loved so deeply.

There, in that forreign land, lyes a house, it has red colour with white edges. A hedge that surrounds the house, not taller then you can look over it, and watch the land and walleys over Neverland, they reminds me bout a rollercoaster, just like my life was.

There is only one house, rest of that land, wich is as big as your imagination, small as your eye can tell.
Wonder around, no locks are needed, becouse there aint no fear in the air.
There aint no relatives, no one, exept the one who deserves to be there, and wants to be there with me, in the deepest of their heart.
Not so many as you see....
One thing is sure, there, in neverland, i will rest untill the day God takes me home to his paradise.

There in neverland i shall rest with a straw in my mouth, lying with my hat littlebit covering my eyes, there i listen to the wind that smiles at me.

The broken road to everdale

Its cold, night has begun. Sun has been to bed a long time ago, moon is dancing by its own.
Shadows proof how the moonboy lives everyday on.
Tomorrow gives us another day to live, if you want.
If you want to fly with me on that trip.

I dont like to wait, its happening right now, no i really dont like to wait.
Oh you beautiful morning, iknow you survive another day in my sorrow filled tears.
Iknow that even that my dreams are sailing on my ocean of tears, iknow it will never be gone to the bottom of the sea.

Its cold around me, i become the only one among shadows, my dreams are shaking, my fears are dancing.
Iknow i dance another morning in gods grace to love.
Today, forever i will morn my life, but i will make sure my love enjoys it.
it cuts in me, i dont like to wait. It cuts in me every tear that climbs down on my cheek. But i think i have to wait for another happy sun beem.

Smile and i wave to you, behind that road that splits us, behind those people that walks by me without seing me standing in my tears of long lost pain.
Broken hearts, broken dreams, im so lonely broken man, standing on my both feets on the mother earths arms.
People asked me once, i never answered, becouse i listened to the wind that told me; no one can save me.
The song brought me balalaika strings sounded in persian tones, i loved it. It reminded bout my time once....
... Once when i was happy, saved.

Heart is aching, my body shivers. I still stand here alone....
... Alone, but yet not.....

måndag 2 maj 2011

When i am gone....

When im gone, no karma can unbox my life. I my self closed the curtaines drained in blood, i was in sweden i get the point i made the choise, me Michael, no one else.
How could it be, i lost my brain to a russian bullet that screamed when it huged me smiling.
When im gone, carry on smiling, thank you.
I remember the first time, tough 32 years, first was a easy letting me do it. Second was a life that i shared with the world. My name is Michael, and when im gone, i tell you have you ever loved any one so much you gave your armour for it? Despite me, catch a plane for me, but where are you when i swing your name in a song for you in a CD record.

I am a dad, a proud one, carry on when you heare my voice of pain. Im pushing you, but you making mommy cry now, unbox daddy please, save him forreigner.
As soon as i walk out of that door, pass that treashold, you know i am gone, dont miss a curtain that is closed, the show is over, you payed for it, you dont get more then two houers for that coin you gave to that ugly lady behind that window chewing gum and giving paper tickets for green paper.
Stop swinging with your smile, i close my life like a box is closing with memories in for good...

I was once greate, but now im too hard ro read, too hard to be reached for, i am not what you said i was.
I admitt i might be dumb, but one thing i know, you cryed when my knuckles hit you down for count, so FUCK YOU!!!!
They can all go loose their humor when i say all eyes on me, im not looking for any extra attention, only a dope to fill my life im bout to tell you.
Fill my shoes and blame your ass, becouse its not beautiful to be rude like i am in my soul.
I am alone in a cold world, i tryed to get thrue, to reach after you, but you hanged up on me.

Im closing my curtaines, dont miss me, when i am gone......

söndag 1 maj 2011

A moment with Michael...

-I have a photography at my wall, in my livingroom of me. I was like five- six on that picture.
I remember that day when the photographer came home to me, i was not happy, i never wanted that photo to be taken. My mother thought it would be nice to have a photo picture of his youngest child.
When i see my eyes, i still feel the pain, those eyes tells me that i was not happy. But what can a young boy do... Nothing....

It has been like that ever since, with my family that will say. My sister thinks i am a rasist fool who dont teach my children Finnish, i dont see that necessary. Becouse Finnish language is not an important language to be taught.

Am i stupid who dont find me attractive, or handsome or goodlooking? When you tell me i am all that, it gives me goosebombs and freakens me out, in bad way ofcourse.
I never saw me all that i just said, never. When a person sayes that, i can laugh that away and change subject fast. But if my girlfriend sayes that, i cant change subject, that feeling that i have when i hear that gives it another turn out, i am being pissed of mad. I dont know why, only that it feels like a lie, i never saw my self anything else then a hopeless looser who is nothing more then unattractive and very ugly. And why cant people see what i see in the mirror? If i see a beautiful person, people agree with me, why cant then same people agree when i say i am not all that stuf that are so wonderful?
Does people say things to me only so they dont think i think that they pity me? Or does they say that just to make me happy?
I think it would be very nice if someone just told me i am ugly, i never heard anyone say that. Either they change the subject if i ever ask what they think of me, or they just say that i look good, but there eyes sayes something else, like they are forced to say nice stuf to me, even if they really dont want to say.

Tell me i am anything of that i sayed, and i want to cry, not of happyness, i wanna cry becouse all i heare is a lie.
It hurts, it feels so painful to heare that.
I am not handsome or goodlooking, ever will i be. But please, dont tell me lies.
I just wanna sit in a dark room, watching movies by my own, shut down my computer and mobile.
Maybe cry, or just sit quiet, houers. Its not fun to be ugly, when all you see is people that are good looking.
I had a girlfriend, my first, how we ended there is a mystery, but still, she saw others they were goodlooking, better then me. Why she choosed me if she found them so beautiful? If you choose a person to be inlove with, find someone that beats every one you ever saw in a magazine, that i always do, and i found a girl who no other girl can compete with, there is no magazine or movie star that are more beautiful then she is.... That is how i see a relationship should be built by. But thats just me who thinks like that.
Dont choose a guy or a girl just becouse you dont wanna be alone, choose who are the beautifullest in the world, in heart in soul and in body and face. I did that, and i got one that are above my expectations....

I dont know what else to say, i just dont like those words against me, thats all, i am so sorry for me, for who i am, i truly deeply are sorry.


onsdag 27 april 2011

One day i wanna fly here

When i look upon the star, star to the left of the one to the right, further away then the nearest star to the boy on the moon.
When i see that star, all i see is my land, my neverland. Where nobody misses me, becouse i will be forgotten.
In my land im never forgotten, and yet there has never been anyone else either there.
Thats the land where sun is high in the sky everyday, dark at nights but very comfortable temprature.
Thats the land where the soft breeze speaks and whispers memories to your ear, so you never forgett those you once loved, but who they forgot about you.
The fields and walleys reaching far far from the riverbank.
Horses running naked among there brothers, drinking from the water that floods below my feets, they smile when they see me. I smile back.
This is the land where grass smooth as cotton sweet as strawberry touches your body when you lye down, this is the land where i finally get my peace, this is the land no one wanted to join me, becouse it was enough with me on mother earth, they wanted to be with there loved once, here in this star, in this neverland there aint no relatives no nothing, only me..... Only me......

måndag 25 april 2011

Stand by the love that surrounds you

No matter who you are, you embrace the land and moon.
No matter you are, you embrace the heart of a long lost soul.
Smiles worthy as the diamond you are, glittering in the night fall. Mountaines crumble, stars fall, but just as long you smile, the world smiles, even if the world being thorned apart under your feets.

The road is long, the pain is there, but as long as you stand with the love in your heart, it fills your road to blooming summer fruits of heaven choosen.
Smile with eyes glittering for your love one, he will smile back with the love in his heart he shares with you, smile you are worth so much more then a tear of lonelyness.

Sky we look upon will shine one day, never let your eyes be turned away, the star might give you a flirt one day.
Feel the love you share, feel the smile that grows in you, you wount be sad, when you have people that wants to belong to your soul.
He sang that song: Stand by me, he really did, listen to it and stand by me you shall. Dreams are made for you, your dreams. The song you sang, are made for you, becouse you sang it one early fall, with a lovely microphone in your hand, that one loved you.

Dont fall upon the wings of sad tears, instead ride the white horse with the golden wings that shine as you do, you two belong to each other.
Golden star you are, shiny revenge of happyness god gave us, you are.

Stand by me, and you never walk alone it the path of darkness.

To Jeanette, with smiles and words of carying i give this. Hope you get happyer soon

Flying minds aint always the best choise

My offer for you my friend, is not a scientist experience, no its a simple question of past you trashed one day.
My tip for you, for the future, is not solving an algebra, its a simple wake up 4 am story.
Weare shelter, weare clothes, you never know when you need the power of your beauty.
Is it possible, to look fat and beautiful? Is it possible to look thin, and ugly? Do one thing everyday, embrace your self, sometimes you have make up, sometimes not. Remember the good words fellow american once told you, you are as beautiful as you are.
One day you get children, one day you get sick, what ever happends, never fail in your own eyes.

Dance the funky shit that made you happy that day. Get to know your relatives, work hard to be loved. You get old, but you always stay young.
Travell, live in the high priced Oslo, or even be shot in streets of New York, smile, you got attention from a guy with a gun.
Buy advises, go with them, they maybe are cheap as expennsive, but never recycle the knowlidge you got.
Sun rises in the south, settles down in north, there it will be cold one day.
Enjoy the beems of a warm sun, enjoy your self.
Grab that little straw that life teases you, becouse it is so high up that you have to jump to grab it, smile.

A song maybe scares you one day, sometimes it comforts you, but is it really the song, or is it him, who sang that song, did he get you to feel sexy? Or did you think he was so handsome? You never get him, forgett him, stay on earth, dont fly away and think you can have more then you are worth.
Maybe you are worth a frog, maybe a prince, just be happy some one wants you, i am, but i got something else then just something.

Work hard for love, for people, but leave before it destroys you. Price is high, respect the price and pay it.
Dont mess with your self, no hollywood acter will have you, they live in a world that we human dont exist in.
Love this and now, be happy for this and now, maybe you loose it all, becouse you flew away in your mind wanting more then you ever could imagine.

fredag 22 april 2011

Green castles and warm beer in scottland

If you have a dream, dont wish, make it happen.
If you have a wish, dream it and make sure it comes alive.
I fought dragons, i fought princess from a forgotten past. I made it to the otherside, far from evil witches and horoble trolls.
In the woods far from here, behind the oak so tall that it reaches after princesses and queens, right next to the river that drowns princess and holds swords of innocent blood shade.
There, in that wood i sacrifised many tears and dreams of pearls and diamonds.
A old beer with bugs in it i drink, with pleasure and pain.

Robbers so many, try to fill their pockets with the blood of my pennys. I never invited them to my life.
Bartender serves me this late afternoon with warm drinks and painfully told dreams woven by a misterious queen far from here in a castle that were in ruins before, now stands tall with green grass as a blanket on it.
Sword of mine points in a direction of south, where the climate is warm and ladys so nice.
Shield it weares many scars from battles from diffrent ages i fought in.
Trumpet lured me in the throat of the dragon, who flew to the west from the green grass castle i once visited.
Burning flames over walleys of scttland, William once told that they can never take our freedom, but they can sure as hell take our lifes. I agree....

William Wallace he was, brave young man with dream of keeping scottland as scottland, blood they shared with hands so white, now are blessed with red colour, maybe not love, maybe hate.
I never fought for William, but i do that in my dreams, and a lady i will rescue from the dragon and hes evil queen.
That lady i marry one day. My love, my dream, my reality.

One year round and you might love me still

August day came, you were like the sun that beems my eyes, so hard to look at, becouse you shine more ever then i never knew.
September karusell spinned my misterious life.
October we saw the crazy life thrue a looking glass. Every line you spoke that day was like taken from a love story by a crazy Mr who said that life was so beautiful.
November came, i did mourne one day, but the others i sang lalala, becouse you made me sing that song Michael Bublè sung, you know, "everything"......
December came, wind was calm, unexpectedly quiet. I rang your bell, you never answered.
January came, you know what love can do, its you only you that holds those lines that my heart speaks.
February was eargent to force thrue January, it took only 31 days for February to be born.
March, i sang that birthday song in middle of March, i dont know if you heard me that day, but i did sing it, only for you.
April is here, not that girl named April, i speak in tungs, iknow. But dont twist you head around, it will only make a nasty sound.
May, summer heat is showing its self now, i still ring that bell, you dont answer.
Did Jun wind snatch you away from me? No it was the other month that did.
I remember that sunny day you made love with me, i remember every hairstraw i kissed, every letter your beautiful innocent lips told me. They forfilled my fantasyes, my dreams, i kissed them and had a smooth taste of love in my lips. Please kiss me again my lady.
July is here, please answer my call, answer my kiss...
August came again, i woke up that 23rd day and realized that all i went thrue was only a dream, becouse near me in my sunwarmed bed, you lyed, we had made love that very same night you kissed me.
Kiss me again and never let me dream a dream where you dont answer my call....

torsdag 21 april 2011

Teaching of life

Life comes and holds your hand a while. Sometimes it holds you little bit harder then other days.
That hand that holds you gives you maybe a child or two. Maybe it gives you hard time with sickness and pain.
When it lets your hand go, you will dream an ever lasting dream...............

-When we die, we travell to other side of the life we are use to, some people dont belive in that world beyond ours, others do.
When we die, we meet our loved once that we lost before we died, when we lived. We reunite with them, and are together forever. On the other side there is no pain like here. If you were marryed when you lived, you reunite with him, her. Animals are even united with us when we die, if you had a dog, well that you will have when you pass away, that same dog you had in your bed when you smiled at it.

Some people that die without knowing they died, never rest when they pass, becouse they never understood they died here on earth, thats where the people that can speak with the dead comes in, they help them to find their light, where their loved once are waiting.
The road to the otherside when you die, is a tunnel, made by very strong light, in the end of the tunnel, you see maybe your mother, if she past away before you or your dad, brother, your husband, wife. Some one that was wery close to you.

When you are dead, you can be on several places almost same time, on the otherside its not time that rules, there is no time, thats why you can travell by only thinking of that one that still are alive to come to him, her.
When you marry someone, you do it in the presens of God, you give him your word that you and your beloved one shall be ONE. Its by then you connect with each other. Ofcourse, love has a middle point in it, if there is no love, there cant be bounds between two people.
So love doesent only bind us here, it reunite and keeps us together on the other side forever.

The death moment dont hurt, its a relief, its only when you leave your body, it can be little bit funny feeling. You stay three days near your body, its a mourning session that soul does.
It took three days before Jesus rised from his grave.
When you die, you become an observer on your loved once that still live, you share there happyness and sorrows, but you can not be seen if they dont have the gift to see a soul. Those who see they are very lucky, they still can enjoy their lost once after they went away.
Death is a beautiful thing, it dont hurt, it brings you to a safe place, Gods home.

-So people who reads this, wait with travelling to that beautiful place, stay here as long as you can, in this world of pain and sorrow. Why i like that, well its easy, its here you give your plattform to form your self, dont worry when you gonna die, that God has already choosen for you, let him take you when it is time, and dont take that decission by your self.
Live, love, learn as long as you can here on earth. Its not dangerous to get hurt, yes it hurts and are really painful to live, but one day the sun shines in your life again.
I am not sure if i die today, that i will ever again meet my girlfriend again on the other side, i am pretty sure that our story ends here where i took my last breath, becouse i have no bounds more then the love on distance we share. Thats why i want to stay alive, i wanna have that bound with her, that one that gives us the ticket to share a forever after death life.

Life is a bitch as sweet it is said. But please try fighting even if you loose some battles.
God gave you a gift wich not everyone gets, LIFE. We who live are many, but you can guess how many there is that never is born, that was suppose to be born, but never were choosen by God. That is way more then we are on earth.
Treasure this gift, find your love of your life, like i did. And for Gods sake, fight for her, him, please....
I fight so we can be together one day, get engaged, have children, get marryed, live a life together forever, and eventually die, and then reunite on the other side, its all it is about, how we manage to fix the forplay here on earth, so we can feel the true happyness on the other side.

LOVE, LIFE, BELIVING, SHARING, there you have life in a package.

This is my knowlidge, my words, my teatching, belive it or not, i dont judge you.......

måndag 18 april 2011

Depression of a graced heart

Day one in your life is good.'
Day two is nothing more then taken from a chapter from lucifers night time story.
Day three, it all clears up in you.
Days go by, people expect that you are in searten way from the day they met you, they dont understand that one person to another is unique. Some change, some dont, and some people dont change even if it looks like they do...... They are not changing, they are going thrue something called depression.
Depression is not often what the persons loved ones create, its just something that happend before in the past, that comes sometimes to the surface.
When depression comes, it can look like you changed alot, but very next day you can be "changed" back to that sweet fuck you once were. Problem is at the wievers eye, to judge before ask how it is.
Dont ever judge a human and call your self god beliver, bible sayes exact what god preaches, dont judge your fellow. Its not our area, its gods area.
People change, but its up to them, i dont wanna change, i wanna be me, and if you choose to involve your self in me, well wellcome to a world of depression and darkness, mixed up with a grace of big huge love that are from the deepest of my heart, whats always been a true gift to me, and hopefully to the one i love.

I love like nothing else, i love like i never loved before, this is Michael, and i do have strong deep depressions, too often. But that dont define that i dont love my baby and loved once everyday......

söndag 17 april 2011

Forever 15

I belive in nothing.
Not even a standing single rose will feel proud when the day that ruined mother earths beauty.
I belive in nothing, nothing and everything...
There is no more peace, that went long gone with that train that left an earlie saturday in warm december.
The war is closing faster then i never thought, one word and the enemy will open fire, innocents will always die in a war.
It doesent matter how many breath takes i took, where did those go? I need a heart beat.
Tell me would you kill, to proove you are right? Yes!
Tell me how many times you would sacrifise to be taken by word? Millions! And only once.......
Same same but different, do you really love it?
Life leaves always a dark path after a lucky strike in the bowling place.
You said you always belived, do you belive that word?
Breath, fight, burn slow, it will still end the same way, crash and burn. That hurricane will always be there, depends on if you knew what you wanted and got the equipment for to stand against the strong wind? Do you really love, then you did buy that, as much as my wind blows when i love, the same it blows when you question my word that came from my true tounge.
Heart tells you when you have a bad picture to look at, and when you have a good one to look at.
Tell me would you live to feel the passion in love? How much would you sacrifise to love another? I would sacrifise everything.

I belive in nothing, and everything....... I belive in the one that i love with all i have, my babylove.
F O R E V E R 15

onsdag 13 april 2011

On top of it, and i like it

I paid my deeds that other week. Shopping souls for my last penny.
Im sitting on top of the world, iknow this is the final call where i kiss the wind, and let it go flying out over the sea i look at, and i like it.
Flipping coins and laughing over you. Birds i watch fly, spreading their wings, im sitting on top of the world and i like it.

Dragons breath their heat on me, i still sit here, and i like it.
Grass dances while wind blows its gentel wave. Flowers under my feet grows, those two are flat, becouse i stand on them, they might have died in the arms of mother nature.
I came out of my cages, and shared a thousend year knowlidge of the world that was beyond 20 hundred century.
Storys we told, storys we share, still i cant help i laugh at you. Swing your emotions against me, becouse i dont laugh at you, i laugh with you, peeking little bit at you with the glimt of love in my eyes.

I like it.

It fell of the table, that screen where you where at, you smiled while it fell and crashed in thousend peaces, now every peace from the glass that protected you, smiles in thousend ways on the floore, that i sanded one early monday morning.
When i hold up my hand, will you reach for it, or will you turn your eyes away from me?
Those little things you do, like shopping and fishing after my smile, or is it tears you want. I dont know, all iknow is that you are made of steele that i need a heated kiss to bend to a heart shaped form.
And i like it.

A magazine you were becouse you are so beautiful.
Im watching the dawning, and im sitting of the top of the world, and i like it....
You are very beautiful, im watching you, and i do like it.
Can we keep a silent tounge and a closed mouth, to just sit here and enjoy the wiev?
Let us be free as we are when we want to be.
Horses run outside our sunny beemed window, i gave you tea with milk and honey, you gave me love from a world i never knew existed, we smiled that morning while the horses smiled in the wind, running wild in slowmotion in the sun.

Im sitting on top of you, and we like it......

New day after a thrill in a white mans face

New day dawns, new day begins. Tears from past is gone.
Smile rises, feelings melting like an icecikle in the hot sun.
The day is still newborn baby. Nothing from yesterday remaines, its all in ruins from the nights destroying.

Fire meets fire, water meets water, elements 5 bring a new day to our lifes.
Sun has risen, wind blows gently in my loves ear, whispering, can i hold you a life time.
For ever, can i have your kiss.
Dreams of you over and over repeats that night we shared a time ago, i dont want to forgett.
Can i look in to your eyes, can i hold you close beside me, could i?

Sweet memories lyes in my arms, my love lyed there this morning. She went to bathroom.
This night we shared, this night was young with glooming heat, burning flames. Windows are in fog mystery.
Smile rised in my face, smile it took me back to the other night, your smile still remaines in my dreams, in my reality.
You hated me when we made love, that hate was filled with burning love. I never hated you, i only loved you more then you ever hated me that night.

Give me your hand, i will lead you, beyond walleys, beyond hedges of dreams and flowers.
Fly with me to a forreign land where we beginn our life, you and me.
Dubbled up i told Boris in that pub in New hampshire, one for me and one for my love, cheers.
Venedig took us down roads on that road that floods with blue grey water, your eyes is nothing like blue-grey, they are wonderful.
Eifel tower us gave more love, there we made our europein kiss, tounge of mine said hi to yours.
Statue of liberty celebrated our love by flaming up her candle in her hand.

Fly to this forreign land we will one day, but Stockholm will set us free and give us what we deserve.....
... A life with us in the big picture, thank god its a picture, then we will always love each other forever, becouse a picture lasts, just like my love to you, it lasts forever my love of my life.
I love you baby.

tisdag 12 april 2011

Leaving Las Vegas for good

Left Las Vegas many times, this time for good.
Neverland always waited me, maybe not forever, but still.
I came from snowy winter paradise once, sayed hello to a new world that was called by a face of an innocent man.
That innocence lasted maybe a fall, not longer than a summer holliday.
I had my tears, my smiles, my thoughts and wonders, i had my time.
Beautiful girls there are many of them, i thank for that, but only one took my heart away with an exploation of dreams and happyness.
My rollercoaster never was done, it kept me going, today iknow why it kept me going.
The face never was ready to meet a public, yet it was released as a monster it came out to be.
My mind is amazed how people is dragged to a pile of cow shit, yet that cow shit made me inlove, so iguess nothing bad comes out without goodness.

Leaving Las Vegas, now for good. I thank all the clownes and all the gloryfine people that made my life happy. Thank you, i will always remember you.
My days are over here on Facebook, my days never were any glamorous thrill of pine apples. Maybe i made one or two souls happy, ihope, it was my mission, aswell as to find me a fine lady.
I had too many wounds from Las Vegas, too much shit came in my throat. Im still amazed how i could breath.
Friends came and went number 77 became 78, 79, and even 80, but it always went to 77.
That describes my life, people leave me some day.

My money now is to end here in Las Vegas, so i cant insert any more coins to one armed bandits or rulettes no more.

Leaving Las Vegas for good, taking my only best price with me, my baby Khyz Dingco Juntunen.
That price i will always cherish in my life. Love you baby mine for ever.....

fredag 8 april 2011

Girl in red love dress, who sank my sword of hate to the world

Pair of eyes, looking at me so close to me. Is it a dream? Is she a stranger?
Her love makes me feel like a stranger, when the look burns in me with so deep love, she smiled, and i felt a hot summer day without shadows that reaching after my darkness.

Is it a dream that a girl can crawl in to my skin that way she does, with her bright eyes...
She looks in to my eyes without closing them for any second, all i can feel is how much i love now, today, tomorrow.
The one who looks at me for this moment, she is so perfect in every way. My love, never let this feeling where i feel your arms round me dissepeare.
My love, we belong together, leaving is for those who never belived in what we belive in.

For ever, let me see you each and every morning, day, night.
I love you and only you my love.
Always forever.
So long i waited for you, so many dreams i had, so many tears i faded away.
I need you, i want to feel you, now and forever.
You are the love of my heart, my soul of dreams. Let me love you everyday as you let me do until today.
My love, there is so many storys i want to tell you, each one for each day. Those fill a life time.

Belive in my song for you my lady, belive in my words, in my love for you, becouse you made me whole, made me say Good morning without sadness in my voice, in my morning tears.
I always want you near me, so i can give you that bird who sings for you on your shoulder, every day that goes by.
I love you babymine so much, you are my love of my mind, my lady in red love dress pearled with white innocense.

Love you so much....

torsdag 7 april 2011

One sunny day...

All became quiet. Air is so thick...
A blanket dancing in the wind on a balcony far from here, a lady watering her flowers.
Even the cars outside, dont make any noice. everything is so silent...
Does any one see me? Heare me? Not even the neighbours dog saw or heard me when i called at you.
No use in screeming, no use in pointing, you dont see me...
All i thought was a dream, i realize its all true.
Wind dont catch me no more, rain dont wetten me and my clothes. I am nobody, and them you never see.
I walked long that road that started up north on that street and ended on the south side of the river that floods on the other side, long straight road where people get small on the other side for my naked eye to look.
Wondering cross the road, thinking what happend? All iknow is that i woke up one sunny day, you were gone and i was invicible for the world.
One good thing, i can move fast, yesterday i was tired.
I am the guy who fell of in the middle some where on my way to the stars, i never got to explore the stars, never live loca la vida here on mother earth.
I am now someone who is not possible to be seen, i am one who is drawn to places without knowing why...
If i find out what, where i am drawn to, yea lets see what i see...

.... I see where my life started and where it ended one sunny day, on a cold peace of stone....

onsdag 6 april 2011

Class of 2011 2.0

-What is the living truth? Telling a story and be happy just becouse you told a true story?
The living truth is to tell the truth bout life and beliving in every word, and making the listeners belive with you.
This is Class 2011 2.0, this is my class, be here and listen, or be dismissed...

If you belive in searten thing, then stick to it and find out more bout that. Belive in it with your heart.
Same thing with love, belive in love and it will serve you pretty good. Dont stare your self blind on small issues in love, its then people get lost and loosing that love they once found.
Love dont grow on trees, love dont serve it by it selfe, it has to be taken care of, just like a flower.
What about life, does it serve by it self? No it does not. Everything you do, must be pushed by you to work by its own, if you build a boat, you have to sail it and stare it in right direction, so you dont end up in a storm. Life is like domino, push one brick down, they all move, push one persons heart with goodness you touched many peoples heart.
Life my friends is not easy. It is as hard as you want it, when you start a lavin in your life, it dont fall down directly, it takes some time before you are buried under it, under those problems.
If you stare your "boat" in right direction all along, you dont end up in those storms that puts your boat under the water, it rocks a bit but will be still in the water later.

Problems are many, and they come in different clothings. Some are naked and easy to spot directly, thank God for thatg so we can awoid it directly, but some others weare that clothes that melts in, in our society of life. Those are the tricky once. Deal with those problems and never let go of hope of a sun to rise after the rain, coz after rain does sun appeare, always. That God planned for us, so we can be strong and solve things.
Everything is planned and organized from higher up, nothing happends by mistake in this world, only poker is a misstake game, that we people invented.
If you loose, dont be sad, rise again, you loose some battles and win some others, thats life. You dont win a war without loosing some battles. So relax and enjoy things that makes you happy.
According to happy, what makes you happy....? Think of what makes you that, and stick to it, let it be grown in you so you live by it, breath it, eat it, live it. Give one smile and you gave 2 other people smile.
Life is hard to live, nothing comes for free, we earn it and deserve it, just like love. You dont take love, you deserve it.
Find a job, work hard, earn your sallary, buy food to the family.
Find a girl, work hard, earn love, and deserve her. Life long, not just for the moment, and one more thing... There is no such thing as "casanova", we invented it so we have an excuse to be disoriented and enjoy it.
To screw girls around one by one, is not enjoying, its a failier in your personality, and a way to say i dont know what i want. Find one that rocks your heart in every possible way, dont rush in to girls or boys, wait to that moment that comes, that moment dont stop in your station far too long, so grab it when it comes and live by it and work hard for that train that stopped at your station.
When the door knocks, open it, it can be a smile who wants to come in to your heart.
Choose life, not missery. You dont be saved from missery if you dont want to, get up and grab on hold of your self, you are better than many in the world. Give up once, and you will win many more times...
You are perfect coz you are one of a kind here in this globe of ours.....
Dont hate each other, we live under the same sky, breath same air. We are from one seed every one, brothers and sisters. So let hate go and love each other no matter what. Human fails, we aint perfect, God is.
And that is how it should be, becouse no one is more perfect than God, he looks after us, thats why he is perfect, he dont fail, he built this whole system and us and the animals and the forrest and flowers.
All for us, so enjoy tghe beauty in the world, stop for a moment and smell the sun.
This is class 2011 2.0, you just heard my point of wiev in life, whats your belive in life and love, this was mine....

tisdag 5 april 2011

Angel whispered my name

You took me by my hand, you were sent to be my guide.
Window open, curtaines moving to the sound of the wind.
Its humming a love song for the broaken hearted one.

You took me by my hand brought me to the other side.
From a forreign land you came, dont care bout where you have been....
Light shivered so blue from your presens, angel as you are, you carry the sign of love...

Window open, curtaines moving to the sound of the wind, dancing to a song that reminded me bout you.
In you came thrue that walz of music from the empty wind.
You gave me your hand for me to take it, i did take it, grab it.
Where you took me only you know, all iknow is that i have never been in a place this wonderful.
You are wonderful.

You told me once that you would come, you really did, it took a while, but you did come.
Please stay, at least a life time....

Place like grave yard

Place like this will never be the same again. Garden like this will never bloom like this again. Songs that were sang in the grass on the other side that hedge, never were sang again. Place like this will never more be the same, times changed. Smiles that was given back then, never again comes to life. If we ever meet again, it will never be the same as before. I will never be the same again. We shared same dream once, same reality, time shattered it, long time ago. Teardrops back then is today forgotten, they belong on the grave yard today without visitors. Feelings and senses that was blooming to us between us, belongs too on the grave yard of long lost once. We went diffrent roads, we dident know bout our new builted road that we walked with beare feets. We only know of our path, that one we walk with the sun in our back. Long lost time is destroyed and future brings us new once to beary in the soil. What we once knew, is never more.

måndag 4 april 2011

Knife, sharp and deadly and never loved...

Your a knife sharp and deadly. My heart you ripped apart, infact you liked it so much so you developed that into a monster that you dressed well.
The monster you are, the monster you wanna behave as.
Once you used a sharp and deadly knife, today you try to scare me at nights under my bed...

Life you never learned, life you let walk throu your window that you letted open last warm summer day.
Mind of yours was so buissy so you never saw that fly out in the open free...
I saw that fly away, tryed to catch, but you laughed at me, how stupid i must have looked like.

Sharp and deadly it was once, now its all smooth and round, you stabbed me so many times so its never more sharp, deadly yes it is becouse you killed me that warm summer day.

Thoughts bring happyness as well as sadness. You tryed to eat me with your hatred thoughts, but you never knew it brought me in to freedom wich i found thrue fire in my heart.
Freedom made me strong, made me reborn to a dancing flame that will burn you slowly, while i dance the funky shit with my many flames that licks your soul with heat and gives you wounds that are more sharp than your knife ever were...

Terrefied? Never, afraid, of what?
Your dress as a monster wount go for a nickel in my world of happyness i find today.
Shes a monster, oh yes and will forever more be in my eyes.

Saturday came and sun rised, sun warmed my long lost soul, mind and heart.
Saturday became night, and my path cleared up.
Your arsenal of weapons will be faded away in a lullaby that a father sings to his child, who lyes sick in the bed one wednesday eavning.
When sunday came, i was in arms of a soul that God builted with his secret love from his heart.

Sadness becomes to smiles, happyness turnes into flames of everlasting love.
Knife that you once held in your hand will remain as a memory from a dark past, a past i never go back to, not even if Slatko pulls a trigger at me, and paints my wall with the colour of love.
I dont mind seing the past with my eyes, i dont mind....
But i will never practise that past ever again more.

April came one early day, i saw a pair of dark eyes that told me a story:

-In woods of fear, in darkness of hate.
In life of danger, in a world of war, there i will stand strong and loved by you.
Never let me go, never turn away. The bird i am, the feather i have, over shoulders and minds i will fly with you.
Love me as you do today, love me as you always did, forever.

My love, i will always love you more then you ever will be aware of.

söndag 3 april 2011

It could have been otherway...

Spread my wings i one day will fly with. Every feather that God woved for me, every wind thats going to carry me over valleys and farms. If we ever meet again, i wount let you go again. In shadows of dreams, in reality of ours there i exist. Somewhere bertween now and then i will rule as the King i should be. My wings carryed me ones, but i fell. I am the one who flew once but fell of the track, i am the one who pointed at the stars with my wings but fell of somewhere in the middle. Many has come in my life, many has left me. She came, i bet it was her. She came, never said hi, but i loved her anyway. So much.... I met you twice, it was never in my dream, it was here with mother nature, you were so beautiful. You smiled i smiled back. I havent seen you around lately, maybe you are dissepointed at me, i dont know, yet i know i love you with all my heart. Its hard some days, easyer some others. Some day we meet again, but by then we shall smile like we should have done today. Every tear is filled with missing sadness. Every thought is filled with love from me to you. One day..... R.I.P

tisdag 29 mars 2011

In the arms of my love

Among Kings and Queens, among slaves and farmers we stand united till our death that waits not more than a blink of an eye away. Love dont cost, love is free as our souls are. So shall it be untill the day human falls upon his knees and admitts its own defeat. You choose who you love from your heart, you are free to choose. That is love.... Love is not a recycling material you discard now and then. Power of love comes from God and its given to us as a gift, a gift we shall treasure. Meaning of love is for us to find that one who takes us away with a storm of breathless smile, breathless experience. That one is our right one to love life thrue and fight for life thrue. Love is God, and we are his children.... Among Kings and Queens, among slaves and farmers we stand united...... Smiles and kisses, hate and destruction, we live to learn by our mistakes. Dancing, cuddling, sleeping with your beauty of your heart. Where stones stand strong, where trees bend there leafes, there i shall rest with my love on a blanket woven by silk thread, where the grass is smooth as your hair, wich i first time touched in the light of the morning sun. There will i lye with you my love of my life, my everything. Among Kings and Queens i shall be with my love, among farmers and slaves i shall salute with wine. One day when i am young as the day i was born, old as the day i died. One day i rest in the arms of my love and tell her my secret before i die.... ..... I never loved anyone as i loved you.....

fredag 25 mars 2011

Late nightshow with Juntunen

World never belonged to him, that never were built to fit an lonely soul like his.
Trees blooming so wonderful, colours bringing love and happyness was like a needle only in his eyes.
Green soft grass was a lie in his ears. Every straw told a lie unique of its kind.
Darkness seemed more fit his world that was built of concreate and stones of grey shade.
Lately he has been missing that button that fell of for houndreds years ago.

Fading dreams, fading light from morning dust. Ashes of destroyed and burned cells smells like corps on a warm sunny day in miami.
No more being sick, i am the sickness him self.
I got to change the calender i have in me. All the songs i putted in my library, everything must go out for a better price for those who want to buy my shit.
So sick, so sick of my own songs. Tired and done with all the dates that were made of blooming roses, they died that summer long time ago.

Feeling of swearing sounds more like love in my ears, i dont feel like swearing for a person who never deserves that kind of love...
Maybe i deserve this, i dont know....
My phone died an late friday afternoon, i think that is a part of me.
It is late now....

David Letterman couldent done it better than that human who thought she did it so good.
Back to future scares me, forward future makes me see a light in a tunnel i live after today.
Im tired now, cold as a icebox or icecikle... So cold...
Give me a lollipop and i spit on you, give me a hit in my face i thank you, but i kill you after that.
There is a icebox where my heart use to be, but where my heart is now lyes a treasure that is warmer then sunny day it self.

Its friday late afternoon without Letterman, and still icebox me makes me think and my heart keep me warm...

söndag 13 mars 2011

Hate are too sweet for you

Dark place haunting me, ever loved someone so much that you been destroyed from it?

Kids you have and get, where is mommy, i dont know and i dont give a fuck.

You here my sound from my voice, carry on hating me, your mum was the one who gave you birth...

Daddy aint leaving, it is your mum leaving with you.

I go to switzerland, to holland just to forgett the scars your mum gave me, just to forgett i ever were born.

We made a choise, that became you, only you i have in my heart, mommys smiles have a long time rotten away.

Take me for granted you ass, take me for who i am, your friends never did.

Hate is too week to say to you, its too beautiful couse it dresses your mother too good, find another word that will look like a black ripped apart wedding dress on her...

First time i forgot second time i did remember, it was that day that separated us, and i was happy, couse the hell you introduced me all theese years, that you showed litterately by your look on me.

I wount tell you like the wind tells a name, i hate you.

I wount kill you, becouse you will have peace in you, i will give you that hell you gave me, hope you have your gun home, i do, and i will use that.

Tonight i will rock the world without your appreciation for me.

Dreams you screemed to me, daddy aint leaving daddys gonna only bring chaos to this world so small of walls four.'

Too late for that now, carry on and listen to the sound of my voice saying Go to hell and smile becouse there you belong you freak. Come out and i kill you.

Im bleeding and no one ever cared bout that.......

fredag 11 mars 2011

One last farewell tear....

Morning fell its tears, heavy and hard they fell down.

On my shoulders, they became so wet.

Skin licked my clothes.

10 store building, and my sight is pointed down wards against the asfalt

Wind so smooth touching my hair.

Warm breeze of sadness.

Spread wings, spread love, spread smiles. One day we all fly over rooftops.

Sleeping lamb, sleeping cows. In the garden of Eve we all lye waiting for paradise to open one day.

10 store building, will i make that step in to the air.

Will i fly, yes one last time i fly.

For my love, for you who belived in me, i will belive one last time, and fly...

Speak Russia, speak English, speak Swedish... I hear you anyway.

Dry your tears mother earth, they will only make my wings wet, and i will fall harder than your stone you made for the world to look at.

Dreames forfill my world of hopes and future. I thought...

Songs we sang, tones we took, those shared a life time.

Stars bring down the world upon us, they gave us hope once.

I lost you one saturday morning, i was left here cold in this cold world. Im only a icecikle who has no clothes to weare now.

My eyes dont tell the horizont anything but hopelessness, emptyness and sadness.

Wind told me whispering your name one more time.

Morning fell its tears so heavy, i belived one more time...

... I flew ones again, this time for the last time.....

söndag 6 mars 2011

Sunday morning with love on your shoulders

Saw you in the morning breeze. Gifted with the touch of love, dont know where we going today.

Take cover in my arms wrapped around you, close my eyes and blind me, and give me just a smile.

Fainted over your beauty, breathing the morning air.

Turning to your side of love, inspiration flowing over in my mind, passion filled with strawberrys like an ocean for you.

Silver winged feelings heating in our bed. Naked as you are this morning, naked as me.

Hairstraw over your face, that were removed from my way to your lips this early sunday morning.

Smiling faces, laughing minds and souls twirling in bed while people walks like dead outside, shoulders whispering touch me, step inside me and lay beside me and give your shoulders that smile they wanted, that loving feeling of being touched for the first time ever.

Blue valleys green soft grass, you make me happy baby, never turn away, the inspiration will turn to water bloodred like a rose that fades away...

Milk with honey and red caramells smelled this morning for us, it was served with a spoon full of sugar.

Let me love you today like you loved me that very first time we layed eyes on us.

I love you baby, my sunflower of gold and harmony dreams that were woven to love strings of passion and happyness.

My love for you this earlie sunday morning, as my love for you that late monday morning in late future......

lördag 5 mars 2011

Stereo love and city lights

Big black cadillac swirls over city lighted streets.


Music sounding from stereo with deep love affair that warmed me one winter.

Big black cadillac swirls over the streets empty standing.

Black as the night the car looks more like a snake in a fast wind.'

Turnings screeming wheels, everything is possible on the road we fly over. I can tell by the look you have that you enjoy the screeming silence, its allmost like you kiss me in a power of the race that the car deliveres.

I can tell by the look in your smile you are no stranger. Your kiss still tastes the smooth berry that you once ate.

We ate that on our first date for long time ago.

Speed is heavy, as your speed in your eyes. So dangerous so fearsome, still i want it all.

Love you so much...

Wake up my love, we are home now.....

Joyride of fame and imaginations

Licorids filled vanilla bakerys walking down the memory lane.

Smiles builted on mountains of paper so blue, stars will shine above your garden of beauty.

Sun will glow on the melting snow that glittering with silver and gold.

Streets empty standing on a november night, thats where i stand needing you.

I will wait for you in the end of the rainbow where the treasure always use to be at.

Listen to your mommy, listen to your daddy, listen to the wind that speaks your name in.

Motion of your eyes melted me, gave me a peace of heaven that never faded away or gave darkness in my life.

Where ever you go, tell him good bye.

Your road leads to a place where i havent been in, when you go there, never forgett me.

You heare voices, they are not from me made, take a moment to listen who calls you in the wind.

Listen to your heart....

Time we had, time that went by between us, that tells a goodbye story made of sadness from Gods eyes.

We dreamed once of a day that never came. We shared laughs we shared dreams, we cryed in our arms late that wednesday morning.

We never got so far.......

Days slippng by, nights bring cold to our vains. Owls howling in the darkness, woods standing all dead and silent.

I am a fool who got that T-shirt in so many colours, it were delivered with a texture that told me "FOOLED".

I have a memory ship card, a VIP card to that club only my imaginarie friend is in.

Join my joyride of flowers and love. Car that drives us so fast, will never stop, it has no ending nor breakes.

Walk your lane of dust and shivering lights from a candle that burned out a long time ago.

When you come back, i will tell you that some candles never burns out....

.... I will allso tell you that you missed your ride of love.......

torsdag 3 mars 2011

Free love on an open road...

There is no price to pay, for free love.

There is no shame to hide, in free love.

You been running, you been hiding, from darkness.

Share cleare thoughts, share a drink to attach a lonely string of hearted love.

Bring your feelings to this pool party. Bring your friends closer to you.

Jesus on a cross, looking down upon his feet, this is free love.

God rising once again for you, this is free love.

Girl so lonely seeking a soul to warm her feet with, her obsession on him is like venom obsessing his victim.

Catch a cold and enjoy the silence that is bought with it, you have only been running scared from me.

Search for sickness, its a thing getting away with. This is freelove we fighting for.

Put a ring on her finger, make sure it is glued, who knows if she knows what free love is. Never let it slip away those complicated feelings...

This is free love, and we are not running scared of shared heart.

No dreams will affect us nor will they feed us. We are floating around in a world that dont belong to us.

World without faith, without hope is where i come from.

I were born in a dark place, i rised once to a small place in shadows of light.

Open roads leads me towards a water fall that finds its regards to mountains.

Moments away i felt your smell of love, of fear. You were only a stolen dream in morning light.

What more can i say, than a frozed picture in my screen that once moved, but hey, i still love you, becouse i got to see you one last time, before i fell to everlasting dream.

We found our regardless dreams, how can it feel, this regardless roads.

Screen frozen, feeling so deep for you, dream dreamed of you. How can i feel theese roads?

This is free love on an open road that leads me to my love, this is free love i chose like water floods without Gods command.

I know that i love, with free will on an open road....

tisdag 1 mars 2011

Hollywood desire, fuck that

I can heare the sounds of swinging London far away from here.

I can do the Hollywood dreams with only my eyes.

Only you have that magic touch from long before.

Like the lazy ocean pulls me close, into my ray of light.

Rhyme with me, dance with me, we have a way of being so lone.

Sun in the sky, you know how i feel, breath under my surface, its a new life, a new day for me and you.

Feeling good, feeling happy, trumpet playing in the sea with fishes, river running free.

Blossom trees, blossom flowers, its a new day, im feeling cloven for this adventure under the sand.

Butterflyes all having fun under the sky of stars. You know how i feel, iknow.

Eyes meeting a new feeling, red, blue, green grey soft melody.

I take my bag, go far from here, to a forreign land where no one knows me, summer is here now, soon....

I wanna go home.....

Surrounded by lonely missing feeling, that what was in my bag was the letters i wrote to you, those you never sent me with writing in inc, that told me in the last peace of texture, with regards from your wife....

Im done, i got to go home now, it all be alright, i be home tonight, i just need to walk thousends of miles, hundreds of dreams, and meters of happyness.

Once you were an island in my tea, a mountain of sweet taste in my coffee.

Remember that famous dance you once trained in, in your head....

I wanted take you dancing, but you flashed with your sensation flashlamp, in my eyes, in my silly road of desire.

Hollywood is near, its where you put down your jacket and dance the funky dance.

Hollywood is here, over there.

Swing with me, money in my hand and a license plate that tells me to fuck off.

Dont go higher for your desire......

lördag 26 februari 2011

A fear that is forbidden in love

Storm incoming, rain, wind, deaths....

Last smiles went to history, kisses became memories.

Now i stand alone here, watching our time we had.

Love still rules my heart to you my darling.

Present day torns me apart, but memorie fills me with love from a past.

I dont want no more present time........

Years passes, rain came, wind came, kisses stayed in the past.

I play guitar solo, all on my own, room so dark, where only wind takes the grip of my curtaines.

Tear is my friend in future, love to my heart is a friend i knew before.

Never mind the darkness, it found away to haunt me. Please remember me where ever you are.

Hate fills me, takes action. Eyes filled with fear, fear to hate love. Some day, some day we are one again.

That day is near or far away.

I put down my solo with my guitar, i saw God one more time.

I went that night to sleep, for never again wake up.

Morning came, day went, night came.

What people dident knew, is that i found you again.

This time, forever.

fredag 25 februari 2011

Missing my baby, this is for you....

Missing with my heart, crying with my tears.

Leave me tonight and i will fall apart, leave me tomorrow i will fade away.

You saw me one early day, cant hold my feelings no more.

You saved me from darkness, you gave me life to breath this air on this planet.

I was broken, all alone. You took that from me.

I love you day and night, i miss you even more day and night.

I am not lonely any more, now filled with warm love, please dont cross that treashold that tells me a bad story.

I kiss you everyday, hold you in my dreams, they are ment to be real, they are ment for us.

Leaving is for those broken hearts, that desires after what we builted. No more lonely, bring me tears, that kind that gave us hope.

Look at me and make me smile, blush....

Listen to your heart, it tells you the very own true story what to come. Belive in your heart as i belive in you.

Together we are strong, together we make the world shake, out of our love.

I was lonely, broken, i listened to my broaken heart, and found you.

You fixed my heart, you saved me. Thank you my love.

Kiss me hold me, never let go, becouse i never left you, or letted you go.

Close your eyes, and i am there with you today, tomorrow i close mine, and i will find two beautiful smooth soft arms around me, smiling and giving me my dreams of hope and faith.

Let us love no matter what.

You saved me, you loved me as you love me today. Tomorrow we are loved as long as a angel lives in Gods paradise.

I love you Kathy Dingco for ever and ever.

Beliving hearts and broken angels in golden feathers

Broken hearts fall apart. Dust of angel winged feathers touch my shoulder.

I turn my head in slow motion to see your eyes, eyes that made me cry for the first time they saw you.

Lonely hearts sing that song birds as silver winged spirits sang.

I walk my way along that road that leads to an empty life without hope or faith.

Sun in my back i stare at the lonely darkness.

Broken angels before i fall apart, come save me from an dark winged angel. Save me from my very own teeth. Cant hold on a moment more in my own temptation of hunger, so come take my hand, lets fly, spread our wings over land and dreams.

Faith of hope, faith of love brings us air under our wings. Touching hand, take my hand, lets fly.

I smile at you, you look at me. We are ment to be in a world that only belongs to us.

Wings of our dust of gold will take us forward, belive and God saves us before we fall apart. Lonely heart of missing hearts will be replaced with two bodys loving each other......

...Just belive.....

måndag 21 februari 2011

Lucifers blueprint

Control taking over your universe.

Coaster of will for being so evil, brings you that evil termination smile where your world burns cells.

Tempting fire with your soul, where is your God?

Take me to a joking place where only devils breathe the same insane air that once was touched by Lucifer.

Dreams are shattered in this place, we call it earth beneath our feet.

Antlers growing strong in forehead, showing its power, eyes red as blood, pupills black like exploding smoke from burning diesel factory.

Winged creatures with broken feathers in blood red sun, stares at my soul, eats my heart. The pain one gaze gave me, the fire which drilled it self in my heart, burned up every vain in me.

Laughing smiles echoes in the fallen world that once were so beautiful, now all fallen in Satans grip.

They fly from east to west, bringing in so many corps which still are alive, thou we are corps yet living once. We will never die in this world, we will suffer for many thousands of years alive and feeling only the pain so real.

We failed as humans because we thought in something that was never ment by god, just becouse WE believed it, not what God believed in.

Where is our saviour now......

..... we have no one now, never more.....

söndag 20 februari 2011

Angel who came to my porch...

-One`s upon a time back before, i asked God if he could send me an angel.

He never sent me any one.

I lived day after day, year after year, nights came, days came.

Morning went my world by and turned in to another morning, but no angel in my dream.

I forgot i ever asked him this that night one long time ago that day.

Bitterness went me on my life, depression i got to taste, that tastes so bitter, so non tasty, so suicidal....

One night i saw an angel, stepping on my porch, i never understood why i saw this beautiful angel.

January came i still dident know, bitterness did iknow bout, he said hi again, until a saturday in January, angel came, God shoved me her, that angel.

Today iknow who she is, she is my everything, my true angel God sent me, and that one i asked before, long time ago that night in cold november day, in December night. She came now...

Love you Kathy Dingco for ever, you are my Angel of my heart, who i love with all my life and heart.

God spoke to me, and i know now what he spoke then.......

Regards from my heart..

Stolen in the morning light, breeze from a word that hurted when she breathed in my ear.
Stolen from my heart, from my soul.
Water flooding down my chin, regards from my heart.
From this moment i cant feel the pain you dscribed to me one late week in juli.
Moments away i thought we were between two worlds, now i live in fear. Fear to be eaten by a word that dont fit in my world.
Regards from my heart, how can i feel what i felt that sunday afternoon in august?

Paris to Rom, Amsterdam to London town. Im so tired to be playing with my heart to give away.
I have been so lone past years, just want to be a man. Tempting frames of thousend flowers that glooming me in my eye. Give me a reason to love you, give me a reason to leave you, woman? Just wanna be a man in a womans world.
Just give me a reason to not leave you.
Cry me tears to kiss away, ever seen a moving smile that gave my heart away?

Flowers blooming in concreate fading in green grass, aliens observing our fights from a world we are not agreing bout.
Its been so long since i cared, i cant explaine why its been so long since you were gone. Lately i felt thoughts that creeping me in under my skin.
Its been so long since you loved me, that you confessed to me.

Its been so long, right now......

söndag 13 februari 2011

Mr Fish under cashiers blouse....

Rolling on, on my rollerblades of steel. Poker in my mind and a clear shooting on the table that i left behind one chilly early monday morning.
My mobile phone rang one morning when i was shopping for my fish. That fish jumped away from me hided under a stone.
I dont like your tone mr fish, i dont like your money mrs cashier.

Show me what you got beneath your skin, your genes. Whistle the skinny genes that Eliza sang.
Life aint more true than you have a dollar in your pocket or two. A cent for my friend and a beer for me. Your point of view has always been a political expertise in a world we dont like.
Show me properly what you like bout my skinny fish, he who hided when i heard you sing that song.

Drink on a train and leave me alone, i will anyway go off in next station here in Buffalo.
Smoke from a cigar smoke from your brain, now you thought again. It is a smelly taste that only you are use to.
I never change, i will never walk away, but i dont like your attitude, neither your latitude.
hate me love me, did you know that its the same feeling, same same but different, so do it properly right. I do forgive you.

Mrs cashier sang skinny genes, mr fish danced the funky shit.

Me, i always leave in that train that missed you so.......

lördag 12 februari 2011

Too late for what.....

Cold winter day in Arizona's djungel stares me in my space of universe to mind and body.
That moon who saw me when i went for fishing corns in the sand, that boy he told me never fish after a cat who ran away.

Face of the year who blowed that horn who God told abraham to gather all humans.
Sound echoes still thousand years after an ordinary day in work. My work is still to take your happiness.

Im glad i came, tomorrow it could have been too late, but today it was perfect. Sun did shine.
No worry no stress, cause i bring you the silver plate that Coldplay sang once.
My head yes.
Bring my shadow of weakness to your room and scream out loud your love that needs to be heard.
Infect my body with your addict of love you whispered one day in sunny beach of Miami.

I type in WWW with my board of buttons called typing board, all i ever thought bout was your WWW beneath your clothes. Hold on, one day i make you mine. Dont apologize, never.
Just type WWW and we will make that love part from that movie we saw one early sunday morning we fell asleep to. Say you are sorry, say you are too late, i dont mind, as long as you come to me, its all good....

Never apologize

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Neverland told me you loved me...

Old street light touched your hair. All summer we sang a song, long the golden sand in San francisco clear beach.
Winter came early that year you told me that you loved me. My friend told me bout her, my friend told me bout the warm breeze.
Bridge in Chicago drank half bottle liquor one tuesday morning, no matter it swung that very same night.
Im going to roll my dices in Las Vegas like a big boy. I sang a song like some other old toy.
On golden shapes of New York Island gates where nasty Bruno hang him self. Starlight from Studio 54 once glimpsed in famous breath. I was there to ride ol`Nothing-ham his wealth.
Sailor from moon smiled at me in lights of Bombay and drinks from New Zealand.

Someday when im alone, when the world is cold, i will swim in the words of the way you look at me tonight. Oh you are so lovely this warm summer night. I can nothing but love you, the way you look tonight.
Tenderness grows, love throws a charming arranged smile, just for me.
You look wonderful tonight in light of shaded candles in Mannerheims pub.
Just the way you look tonight........

River over bleeding dream makes me hide my ocean of feelings, my way of wishing a drifted thought.
World belongs to the lonely once, to the loved once. Baking cookies, baking dreams over Moon river.
You told me you hated me, i looked into your deep dark beautiful eyes and spoke i love you, with hearted ocean waves from my deepest soul you are so beautiful tonight.

Where now what then, we only know the future hold a hand wide open for us. When i fall in love, it will be forever thou i will never fall on the ground.
Fall and i will catch you in the wind.
When i give my heart, it will be completely, for ever....

Old street light touched your hair, you gave me what i longed for, and i will be yours completely for ever, like my heart over golden gates of Neverland...........