onsdag 6 april 2011

Class of 2011 2.0

-What is the living truth? Telling a story and be happy just becouse you told a true story?
The living truth is to tell the truth bout life and beliving in every word, and making the listeners belive with you.
This is Class 2011 2.0, this is my class, be here and listen, or be dismissed...

If you belive in searten thing, then stick to it and find out more bout that. Belive in it with your heart.
Same thing with love, belive in love and it will serve you pretty good. Dont stare your self blind on small issues in love, its then people get lost and loosing that love they once found.
Love dont grow on trees, love dont serve it by it selfe, it has to be taken care of, just like a flower.
What about life, does it serve by it self? No it does not. Everything you do, must be pushed by you to work by its own, if you build a boat, you have to sail it and stare it in right direction, so you dont end up in a storm. Life is like domino, push one brick down, they all move, push one persons heart with goodness you touched many peoples heart.
Life my friends is not easy. It is as hard as you want it, when you start a lavin in your life, it dont fall down directly, it takes some time before you are buried under it, under those problems.
If you stare your "boat" in right direction all along, you dont end up in those storms that puts your boat under the water, it rocks a bit but will be still in the water later.

Problems are many, and they come in different clothings. Some are naked and easy to spot directly, thank God for thatg so we can awoid it directly, but some others weare that clothes that melts in, in our society of life. Those are the tricky once. Deal with those problems and never let go of hope of a sun to rise after the rain, coz after rain does sun appeare, always. That God planned for us, so we can be strong and solve things.
Everything is planned and organized from higher up, nothing happends by mistake in this world, only poker is a misstake game, that we people invented.
If you loose, dont be sad, rise again, you loose some battles and win some others, thats life. You dont win a war without loosing some battles. So relax and enjoy things that makes you happy.
According to happy, what makes you happy....? Think of what makes you that, and stick to it, let it be grown in you so you live by it, breath it, eat it, live it. Give one smile and you gave 2 other people smile.
Life is hard to live, nothing comes for free, we earn it and deserve it, just like love. You dont take love, you deserve it.
Find a job, work hard, earn your sallary, buy food to the family.
Find a girl, work hard, earn love, and deserve her. Life long, not just for the moment, and one more thing... There is no such thing as "casanova", we invented it so we have an excuse to be disoriented and enjoy it.
To screw girls around one by one, is not enjoying, its a failier in your personality, and a way to say i dont know what i want. Find one that rocks your heart in every possible way, dont rush in to girls or boys, wait to that moment that comes, that moment dont stop in your station far too long, so grab it when it comes and live by it and work hard for that train that stopped at your station.
When the door knocks, open it, it can be a smile who wants to come in to your heart.
Choose life, not missery. You dont be saved from missery if you dont want to, get up and grab on hold of your self, you are better than many in the world. Give up once, and you will win many more times...
You are perfect coz you are one of a kind here in this globe of ours.....
Dont hate each other, we live under the same sky, breath same air. We are from one seed every one, brothers and sisters. So let hate go and love each other no matter what. Human fails, we aint perfect, God is.
And that is how it should be, becouse no one is more perfect than God, he looks after us, thats why he is perfect, he dont fail, he built this whole system and us and the animals and the forrest and flowers.
All for us, so enjoy tghe beauty in the world, stop for a moment and smell the sun.
This is class 2011 2.0, you just heard my point of wiev in life, whats your belive in life and love, this was mine....

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