torsdag 21 april 2011

Teaching of life

Life comes and holds your hand a while. Sometimes it holds you little bit harder then other days.
That hand that holds you gives you maybe a child or two. Maybe it gives you hard time with sickness and pain.
When it lets your hand go, you will dream an ever lasting dream...............

-When we die, we travell to other side of the life we are use to, some people dont belive in that world beyond ours, others do.
When we die, we meet our loved once that we lost before we died, when we lived. We reunite with them, and are together forever. On the other side there is no pain like here. If you were marryed when you lived, you reunite with him, her. Animals are even united with us when we die, if you had a dog, well that you will have when you pass away, that same dog you had in your bed when you smiled at it.

Some people that die without knowing they died, never rest when they pass, becouse they never understood they died here on earth, thats where the people that can speak with the dead comes in, they help them to find their light, where their loved once are waiting.
The road to the otherside when you die, is a tunnel, made by very strong light, in the end of the tunnel, you see maybe your mother, if she past away before you or your dad, brother, your husband, wife. Some one that was wery close to you.

When you are dead, you can be on several places almost same time, on the otherside its not time that rules, there is no time, thats why you can travell by only thinking of that one that still are alive to come to him, her.
When you marry someone, you do it in the presens of God, you give him your word that you and your beloved one shall be ONE. Its by then you connect with each other. Ofcourse, love has a middle point in it, if there is no love, there cant be bounds between two people.
So love doesent only bind us here, it reunite and keeps us together on the other side forever.

The death moment dont hurt, its a relief, its only when you leave your body, it can be little bit funny feeling. You stay three days near your body, its a mourning session that soul does.
It took three days before Jesus rised from his grave.
When you die, you become an observer on your loved once that still live, you share there happyness and sorrows, but you can not be seen if they dont have the gift to see a soul. Those who see they are very lucky, they still can enjoy their lost once after they went away.
Death is a beautiful thing, it dont hurt, it brings you to a safe place, Gods home.

-So people who reads this, wait with travelling to that beautiful place, stay here as long as you can, in this world of pain and sorrow. Why i like that, well its easy, its here you give your plattform to form your self, dont worry when you gonna die, that God has already choosen for you, let him take you when it is time, and dont take that decission by your self.
Live, love, learn as long as you can here on earth. Its not dangerous to get hurt, yes it hurts and are really painful to live, but one day the sun shines in your life again.
I am not sure if i die today, that i will ever again meet my girlfriend again on the other side, i am pretty sure that our story ends here where i took my last breath, becouse i have no bounds more then the love on distance we share. Thats why i want to stay alive, i wanna have that bound with her, that one that gives us the ticket to share a forever after death life.

Life is a bitch as sweet it is said. But please try fighting even if you loose some battles.
God gave you a gift wich not everyone gets, LIFE. We who live are many, but you can guess how many there is that never is born, that was suppose to be born, but never were choosen by God. That is way more then we are on earth.
Treasure this gift, find your love of your life, like i did. And for Gods sake, fight for her, him, please....
I fight so we can be together one day, get engaged, have children, get marryed, live a life together forever, and eventually die, and then reunite on the other side, its all it is about, how we manage to fix the forplay here on earth, so we can feel the true happyness on the other side.

LOVE, LIFE, BELIVING, SHARING, there you have life in a package.

This is my knowlidge, my words, my teatching, belive it or not, i dont judge you.......

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