måndag 4 april 2011

Knife, sharp and deadly and never loved...

Your a knife sharp and deadly. My heart you ripped apart, infact you liked it so much so you developed that into a monster that you dressed well.
The monster you are, the monster you wanna behave as.
Once you used a sharp and deadly knife, today you try to scare me at nights under my bed...

Life you never learned, life you let walk throu your window that you letted open last warm summer day.
Mind of yours was so buissy so you never saw that fly out in the open free...
I saw that fly away, tryed to catch, but you laughed at me, how stupid i must have looked like.

Sharp and deadly it was once, now its all smooth and round, you stabbed me so many times so its never more sharp, deadly yes it is becouse you killed me that warm summer day.

Thoughts bring happyness as well as sadness. You tryed to eat me with your hatred thoughts, but you never knew it brought me in to freedom wich i found thrue fire in my heart.
Freedom made me strong, made me reborn to a dancing flame that will burn you slowly, while i dance the funky shit with my many flames that licks your soul with heat and gives you wounds that are more sharp than your knife ever were...

Terrefied? Never, afraid, of what?
Your dress as a monster wount go for a nickel in my world of happyness i find today.
Shes a monster, oh yes and will forever more be in my eyes.

Saturday came and sun rised, sun warmed my long lost soul, mind and heart.
Saturday became night, and my path cleared up.
Your arsenal of weapons will be faded away in a lullaby that a father sings to his child, who lyes sick in the bed one wednesday eavning.
When sunday came, i was in arms of a soul that God builted with his secret love from his heart.

Sadness becomes to smiles, happyness turnes into flames of everlasting love.
Knife that you once held in your hand will remain as a memory from a dark past, a past i never go back to, not even if Slatko pulls a trigger at me, and paints my wall with the colour of love.
I dont mind seing the past with my eyes, i dont mind....
But i will never practise that past ever again more.

April came one early day, i saw a pair of dark eyes that told me a story:

-In woods of fear, in darkness of hate.
In life of danger, in a world of war, there i will stand strong and loved by you.
Never let me go, never turn away. The bird i am, the feather i have, over shoulders and minds i will fly with you.
Love me as you do today, love me as you always did, forever.

My love, i will always love you more then you ever will be aware of.

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