söndag 3 juli 2011

Class of 2011 3.0

-Human is a very complexed animal. But yet so easy to understand, maybe becouse i am a human my self.
We see things, we feel things, we think diffrent but still likewise.
Feelings, yea feelings.... If you see the colour red, you feel maybe love or maybe a heart, but most of all you feel the warm feeling.
Blue colour, you maybe think of ice, or pure, but most of all you think of cold.
Thats is what im trying to say, we see things we develoap them to feelings.
Some of us like me, we can have one searten issue or thing that happens or happend in our life formed to a song that fits in that issue.
When i read facebook postings, most of the time i dont just read it, i feel the writers feelings behind that posting. Its much easyer to understand what he or she is trying to say with that posting.

I work as a sander, when i come to a floor i never saw before, well ive seen every floor in sweden i mean pine ive seen, oak ive seen, etc... But i mean that appartments or that houses floor, that i never have seen before. The first thing i do is to check the floor, walk around quiet, feel the floor, what is the floor trying to tell me...
When i have the message from it then i start to talk with the owner. When i have a problem wich i can not solve with the floor i sit down on the floor and let it start to tell me its secret recipy to solve the issue, and 99% of the times i get the answer, i call it "consulting time with the floor" or "let the floor whisper to me".
So what we humans do, we do it with feelings.
We all are the same but we do it in diffrent ways, a good example on what im trying to say is that every human has their nose on same place as every one else, eyes we have on the same place, we have 2 eyes 1 nose 1 mouth on exact same place, but still we look so diffrent from each other.
The thinking way is the same we think so alike, but still so unlikely...
There is the interresting part to study human, same same but different.

So what im trying to say with this posting is that we pick up everything in feelings more or less, so that must mean that we all are built by feelings, some have more feelings some less, but still we feel in our soul what ever we do.
This is my class, stay and learn or be dismissed....

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