torsdag 14 juli 2011

Life as it is, its a hell and its a heaven

-Human mind!!!!!! What is that?
We work diffrently, all of us. We think diffrently, all of us. But we are so alike.
We have a habitt to see things in a angle that fits us, when we see a searten thought and belive and feel that it is like that, then we settle with that thought and buy it to 100%. Its then we think we know that it is like that.
It never acured you that you might see it from that angle that the other 3,5 billion people see it from, too??
Just becouse you think an apple is red, it doesent have to mean that the apple have to be red, it can be green too.
What is the diffrence between your neighbour, and you? Is it what we work with? Or is it becouse you are way more better then him?
Answer, and the true answer no matter what YOU say against me, i am right. And the answer is; we are both humans, no body is better then the other.
It doesent matter what you work with, it dont make you more diffrent from me, we are both flesh and blood made by GODs breath, and mother earths mudd.
Men have a bad way of seing magazine girls as their potential girlfriends, wich is so sick, you can never have that photoshop girl, she dont exist, its just a peace of paper you see, and by the way, she would never look at you on the street if you met that photoshopped girl.
Girls have a bad way to belive that if you are a Hollywood star or a singer, you are not human, so its ok to fuck them behind her mans back. They never understand that even if you are a star, it dont make them to anything else then a human, and your man or husband or boyfriend to a cheeting victime, that you made.
I have a good example: I saw before a guy who said that no girl looked at him or said anything sexy of him, suddenly he went to "IDOL" that program on TV where they gamble who sings best, when he made it there pretty good, every girl suddenly started to whizzle and say sweet stuff like he is so good looking and all that.
So a girl thinks its ok to fuck a guy if he is a star or famous, and they dont see that as cheeting.
Humans have a bad way of seing a famous person better looking and sexyer then his or her partner... My advise, if you in your heart think that some famous is better looking then your partner... PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE BREAKE UP!!!!!! It showes only the world that he or she is not the one you wanna be with.
If you have a partner, then that shall be everything, more then anyone else is, in every areas.
You wouldent have to stare your self blind and smile on a nother guy if you have a partner.
It is cheeting when you starting to develoap a sight to more then you can handle.
Its natural to think a girl or a boy is beautiful, that is ok becouse we are humans, but starting to see him or her as better looking then your partner, then you shall not have a partner, you aint mature yet to have a relationship yet.
So we humans are humans no matter what we work with, we are the same, no one is better then anyone.

CHILDREN!!!! Yea what about children? They dont understand the logical things as we grown ups do, so please have patience with your children.
Dont hit them as soon as they fail, they will not learn anything from hitting, more then that they can hit others, and when they grow up, they only know its ok to beat up his wife, or her husband, or beat up his own kids.
Teach them with words and knowlidge of the bad and good in the world, not hit never.
This was only fue thoughts i have had the past week that has gone, and i needed to write it down.
Trust me on this, if i dident know i am right in this little posting, then i would never have posted it......

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