lördag 7 januari 2012

The prototype that failed

-I will tell you a little story, and its up to you to belive if its a real or fake story. This "story" is more likely thoughts i have.

I belive in life, love and god. I belive that we share the same dreams but in diffrent shapes.
I belive that we all need something in our lifes, so it dont swallow us totally, the darkness in us.
I belive too in justice and the power to the people.
I belive in so much...
But even how much i belive in, all those aint much to joy for, if you dont see them in you.
How can a man be blind for something he belives in? Someone erased the belife in him.
This story is more likely a true feeling we all carry.
When you belive in love, then people might think something very diffrent then what you think of.
When you belive in life, then people might think something diffrent in that topic too...
So when people start building their storys round your belives, then it might end up to something nasty.
Americans say: If there aint no body then there aint no proof...
Is it so with the belife in people to your belife?
Just becouse you see something, does it justify the truth that it is that way? Or can you buy your self free with just the simple sentence: Its my belife, not yours...
How can i make you belive in what i tell you, if you aint willing to belive in that?
How can i be sure that you truly belive in what i say when you say: Ok i belive in you?
Answer: You can never be sure.
If we could read minds, then we would know the solid fact of the word i do belive you.
Dond judge a human, its not your area. Where goes the thin line between judging and not judging?
And what if i judged you? Does the world end here? Am i being punished now by God? No i am not being punished by God, but maybe you who over reacted on that i judged you, but instead i never judged you, i only spoke something that you dident understand and you thought i ment something bad bout you, so automatickly you took that judghing thing as a self mechanism for protecting what is yours -YOU!
I dont think we can say much bout someone before it sounds judgingly bad.
I dont think we can breath this air without getting cought for inhaling the air.
We aint more then humans, we fail, we rise, we fall, but still next day we stand infront of that mirror at home of our childhood home and masturbate to us selfes while we watch in the mirror and pretend that we are Elvis in Graceland.
So what ever i am pointing at, i just wanna say that what ever we belive in, that IS our belife, not your friendly neighbours whos standing next to you.
So thats the story, pretty amazingkly hard to understand and get huh?

-I was thinking bout other stuff too, well more likely many stuff, my head spinns round and creates one thing after another, and its allmost all stupidety stuff.
Lately i have been thinking very much of my self, that i am pretty ugly, nothing worth and etc...
When people disagree with me i persume they lie, i cant be sure if they lie or not, i only know that it feels like that.
I hate when people say something nice bout my look or me becouse i allways heard nice stuff bout me that iknew later they only said to me becouse they wanted to be nice to me.
I hate to shower, becouse i was forced in the shower when i was a kid.
I hate to cut my hair becouse i was forced to cut it when i was a kid.
I think that i was just a prototype to a failed version of "a perfect boy"
Mother created me, programmed me, hit the autopilot when she thought that her prototype was finished, and then took and leaned back in her sofa and smoked a cigarr and drank her brandy in the ray of light... Suddenly her creation, her prototype started to go awfully wrong in his system, the screen screamed "ERROR SYSTEM FAILIER" she tryed to save the program, but what to do she couldent do that, so she abandoned the prototype and turned her back to it.
And ever since that day the prototype walked the earth and was on autopilot...
How can a programmed prototype manage to push that button to manuell stiring by its own? I still wonder, becouse i am still on autopilot still today.

-I wondering, is there anything i do that is good enough? Am i enough to feed the world with my presens? Or am i only one little seed in the wind that is blown from the fields in Alabama to southwest Africa without being seen?
Everybody likes to be seen once in a while, some wants it badly more then others, but somewhere we all wanna be seen once and a while, even me.
I feel that people wanna own me, they say i dont own you do what you like... So when i do what i like, its not approoved without alot questions that has a negative sound in it.
I am not for sale, not now not ever, its a fact that has been approoved by me since anno 1978...
Enough of this shit, im just tired of being me being this prototype that failed and walks on autopilot, HEY MIKE MIND THE GAP... oops there he fell.......
Anyway all i wanna say is that im back on this blog again and hellboy just rised from its grave.
Im coming to you now and hell is coming with me, mark my word...

This is fue words from Mike "the prototype that failed"

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