torsdag 5 maj 2011


In a land far far away from here, beyond the star to the left and and the star to the right, there lyes a place among the forgotten stars named; Neverland.

To fly there, you have to fly to statue of liberty, and straight right up.
There in the land, there is no pain, no sorrows. The wind lyes calm, touches your cheek with a memory of goodness what once was.
Your memories.
Grass is smooth as silk, soft as a icecream melted in the hot sun.
Horses running free smiling everytime you meet their blue once. Sun smiles even warmer then a laughin child who you loved once.
Nights are soft breezed, days are colder then too warm, and warmer then coldest day ever.
All you need is a light clothing, those you loved so deeply.

There, in that forreign land, lyes a house, it has red colour with white edges. A hedge that surrounds the house, not taller then you can look over it, and watch the land and walleys over Neverland, they reminds me bout a rollercoaster, just like my life was.

There is only one house, rest of that land, wich is as big as your imagination, small as your eye can tell.
Wonder around, no locks are needed, becouse there aint no fear in the air.
There aint no relatives, no one, exept the one who deserves to be there, and wants to be there with me, in the deepest of their heart.
Not so many as you see....
One thing is sure, there, in neverland, i will rest untill the day God takes me home to his paradise.

There in neverland i shall rest with a straw in my mouth, lying with my hat littlebit covering my eyes, there i listen to the wind that smiles at me.

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