onsdag 18 maj 2011


Out of my palm, a tree grows big and strong.
I wait for the palm tree to grow a fruit, years will pass. As my heart, years will pass...
One day i said; i give this fruit to the one that deserves it.
As my heart, for the one who deserves it.
I sang while years passed, i dreamed while years passed by.
I died once, i lived onced, but never with passion.
I joined forces of unthinkable thoughts of darkness. I joined people that never understood me.
Many stars i looked at, many stars i saw fall from heaven above.
It was then i closed my eyes with a small wet tear on my cheek, who once fell from my eye.
Thousends of knifes cutted my heart, hundreds of vains in my heart died.
Night was young, stars still only watched at those lucky once, they never saw me.
Passion of love, flew out one cold night time. I still wonder where?

A tree grows from my palm, big and strong.
Years it took before the january song could forfill its dreams for me, to fill that fruit with juicy stuff that only a dream can discover to a naked taste buds.
One day, iknew i could pick that away from my palmtree, becouse iknew aswell that the stars now saw me, when ever i looked upon the sky, this time i saw them again with a tear, but no longer will that tear cut my heart with sharp edges. It will touch my heart with promissing love of gold and silver that only a dream can wove to me and my love.

Her eyes, that was what it took, the rest, yeah the rest is a rear love story only made by God....

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