lördag 11 juni 2011

Silent are they trees so beautiful...

Night over dover, sinks once when we were small.
Time flew over our voices inside our head.
Near, close as we patronise. Me you, we both know where we begun.
Heart feels something warm, no its not sauna.
I will lay down my guns, and sweap my wings around you.
My words are silent, my thoughts are a secret. Everytime i close my eyes, i see the world you dont see.
When morning comes, maybe i am not there to hold you as i did this night. Iknow only that this night we laughed and shared something you and me share in theese final houers.
When morning comes, i will be off, somewhere no one needs me like you did. Somewhere where i am no body, there i shall walk alone. People everywhere, people walking blinded, maybe by the sun but sure as hell they dont know me. Iguess they are blinded by the sun...
Forgive me for this morning, remember me for last night. Maybe i dident kiss you enough, maybe i dident hold you hard enough. But as far as i calculated, i loved you harder then you know, more enough then you ever thought.
My road leads me to a star, you know that one to the left of the one to the right, yeah my road leads always me there.

I am only a child to god, only a grown up to a child. I am nobody, but still famous enough for they who me know well.
I am that dream you always had, i can be who ever you want, but tonite i was the one that i wanted, i was the one that loved you as you needed in your heart. Tomorrow you can be again who ever you want, but right now when you close your eyes, both of us know that we shared more then anyone else knows.
I will lay down my heart next to your pillow when you fall asleep, so you remember me always as the one that knew you by you. When you open your eyes in the morning, its then i close mine, becouse iknow you made the night safe and sound, my work is then done, i fly away from you, never again i am who i was.
I never was......
I never was......

I cant make you love me, if you dont love me.

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