tisdag 8 maj 2012

What love is in my heart

Love is a powerful tool... It is fragile and very beautiful.
Dreams are a part of love, if you never dream of love, how can you know it then?
Love makes us crazy, dangerous, it makes us go thrue the lines of what we else would never pass thrue.
We have to fight for what we belive in our heart, speacially with love, fight so hard and never give up.
A played and fooled heart can kill literately a person...
Second chanse, absolutely theres nothing to be ashamed of a second chanse, we all deserve it. I hate to call it "second chanse" i rather say "a miracle to be loved again"

Fool someone... yea fool someone... that is something that breaks my heart and the belife in the human being.
I dont like fooling people, i am not a teenager, i am a man a grown up a father a guy who respects people.
if you say "I LOVE YOU" it dont meen "hi my friend" It meens I LOVE YOU and that by meaning: You belong in my heart in a special place where nobody ever can come, not even close.
Dont keep friends in your heart becouse they are told that they stab people, stab their friends, iknow that feeling i had friends in my heart along time ago and they fucking stabbed me so hard, so if i wouldent had them in my heart i had just brushed of those from my shoulders and spitted on them and said: you fucking looser to them.
But i was so broken after that stabbing...
So keep only the one you love in your heart.

Friends yea they are good to have, they support you give you strength and all, but a friend is a friend no fucking partner or lover or mistress. When friendship goes near the gates of intimate feelings, then please listen to the bells thats shouting right in your ear, if you dont heare that bell and see the red light alarming in front of you then you are so very bonehead. Friends dont fuck each other, friends dont kiss each other friends dont share intimate love together. Friends are friends and supports you so you can be stronger end of the fucking story...

For me love is something very important. For me love is something very special that only two people share among each other, and theres a "honor codex" that aint suppose to be broken ever.
The codex is: Never kiss somebody else on the lips, never hug anyone more intimate then your partner, never think of anyone else in sexual or teasing way, never see somebody else more handsome then your partner, never see anyone else more sexy then your partner, never look at somebody else deeper then you look at your partner, never cheet, never lie, never fool, never misstrust your partner, never miss anyone else more then your partner, never hit your partner, never treat your partner as she/he would be less important then your friend or the dirt under your shoes.
As you see, the codex is a long list, but its there the whole list is in your back bone if you really love somebody, then you know this codex, otherwise i sugest you find your way to the door and fucking leave your so called partner. Codex IS and remains the word and meaning: LOVE YOU.

Guys say: we dont cry.. Oh my god.... Guys dont cry? Who invented that sentence? Its a crime against the human nature, GUYS DO CRY, i do that. Showing feelings is wonderful, crying releases pain and stress and tense. It shows that you are a human made by god.
Feelings, to show feelings is wonderful.
I love looking in the woman i love eyes for houers and just look in them and feel that you are looking in one pair of eyes that thinks you are her world. I love giving love, saying romantic stuff. It shows my burning heart wich burns only for her thrue my words of tenderness and caress.
i love walking hand in hand just for no reason, or just to see the stars, pick out a star for her.
I love being with my woman, spending time for houers. Telling her secrets of love of life...
Sharing my life with hers...
Guys you really need to start being more romantic to your woman, i guarranty you you wount be dissepointed.

Secrets yeah, we have too many secrets we dnt share... IN A RELATIONSHIP YOU NEVER HAVE ANY SECRETS!!!!!!!!!!
You share everything, why else its called: Relation Ship? Relation= you know life present past future.....
Ship= same as a company.... Life company in other words, in a company you have to make sure the money rolling in or you dont get sallary, no food on the table, so we need to care alot for the company we work for make it roll, and make sure the money goes in. Same as in relationship, we need to nurse the relationship with love and trusting and understanding always be equal. Its like a flower that needs water or it dies.

Isnt it marvelous totally wonderful to love? be inlove, share love be romantic? I love it so much.
So love for me is something that you dont joke about, its serious shit your pulling, dont fucking say i love you to people like its bread crumbs your throwing at pigs, too much: I LOVE YOU here and I LOVE YOU there... STOP IT NOW!!!!! You only say that to the one that you really love... And if you ask me what i meen with the one you love, then fucking scroll and read this letter again you stupid SOB!

So once again, please love and be loved, be romantic, let you heare romantic stuf, dont shut that out, its so stupid to shut it out, we live only once so lets make this place to a beautiful place with alot love, pure real love.

Now i said my side of the story what the Love we all talk so much bout is for me and hopefully for you too.


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