onsdag 9 maj 2012

One late winter day

-I remember one late winter day. Life couldent be more unfair that cold night.
Snow dident fall that eavning, it bearly was on the ground.
The air was thick with a smell that reminded me very much bout the nature, it was hardwood oil that had been smelling in there for 25 houers.
My friend he had not much to do, not more then complain over me and the work.
Pain was so awful, it was like a horse kick in my stomach.
Just to rise up was a awful pain, a nightmare.
It was dark outside, as it is on winter nights....

I had alot resting, becouse working was not a prioritet number one even if i wanted that.
I had over 30 houers of work in my legs that nighyt, so the tiredness was a fact, and the pain.
That night i had many breaks, many small sleeping breaks on 5 minutes, 10 minutes, but not more then 10.
The work had to be done, and i had the most of the knowlidge, not him.
It was hard, that night.

The time hit its houer, and from nowhere my phone told me that somebody is at your door.
Ofcourse i was curious, i was in pain and hoped that there was something interresting to rest my eyes on and my mind, but i told my self, why would it be when it never was before now...
But so wrong i can be sometimes, and in this matter i am happy i am wrong.
In front of me i saw the most beautiful girl i ever seen, who dearly wanted to speak to me... A loonatic? A crazy girl?
Yea i thought that becouse that was what i was used to, but i had 6 letters in my mail box, and it couldent be any loonatic or crazy girl, it could only be someone who wanted dearly speak with me... What now did somebody die?
Yea somebody had died once, not just somebody, her love had been dead for a long time.
She asked me where i was, what are you doing, why dont you answer me, add me please....
I did what she wanted, i answered: i am working im in pain, ok i add you....

I added a girl who was the most beautiful i ever seen, but i was so careful, becouse i had been fooled before so my heart dident let in who ever...
We started to talk, to chat. Time went and only after a short time, i heard something i never heard before, in was supriced, not scared, becouse the feeling was a warm summer breeze against my cheek that cold winter night, she asked me: can i call you baby?
I said: sure ofcourse you can...

Time went it became ours. Minutes became houers, houers became happyness and the pain never was there in short times. I was smiling for the first time in many years, you know that smile that only love can bring fourth.
Time went that night, and time became a phone call, a phone call from a forreign land cross the rivers of baltic ocean and the hills of europe.
time felt like it stood still, i stood there on the hardwood floor nervous becouse how you talk nice and respectfully to the most beautiful girl you ever seen without shouting i love you, but i did as good i could, i walked around with a stomach as pain as the worst fever. So i decided, i had been nice and respectfull, and i would continniou that becouse she brought the best out of me by only smiling, so i droped the bomb 1 meter from the nature stone floor on the hardwood floor in Siemens restaurant one late winterday January 15th 2011, i dropped the bomb, i told her i love you, and it was the best i ever done, my whole world changed that night.
What i knew that present time was that this is the girl i will marry, and love whole my life, i just knew it inside of my heart.

Time has passed after that cold night in January, we live in 2012 now, we had ups and downs just like a couple have, but we have something not them all have, we have that magic that can survive every deep problem, every big fight, we are just 2 people who is still today after 1,5 years still so inlove so inlove.
And she really was what i felt that time; my deep forever love, my love of my life.

This is a real story with real feelings.

Love you forever babylove

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