lördag 26 februari 2011

A fear that is forbidden in love

Storm incoming, rain, wind, deaths....

Last smiles went to history, kisses became memories.

Now i stand alone here, watching our time we had.

Love still rules my heart to you my darling.

Present day torns me apart, but memorie fills me with love from a past.

I dont want no more present time........

Years passes, rain came, wind came, kisses stayed in the past.

I play guitar solo, all on my own, room so dark, where only wind takes the grip of my curtaines.

Tear is my friend in future, love to my heart is a friend i knew before.

Never mind the darkness, it found away to haunt me. Please remember me where ever you are.

Hate fills me, takes action. Eyes filled with fear, fear to hate love. Some day, some day we are one again.

That day is near or far away.

I put down my solo with my guitar, i saw God one more time.

I went that night to sleep, for never again wake up.

Morning came, day went, night came.

What people dident knew, is that i found you again.

This time, forever.

fredag 25 februari 2011

Missing my baby, this is for you....

Missing with my heart, crying with my tears.

Leave me tonight and i will fall apart, leave me tomorrow i will fade away.

You saw me one early day, cant hold my feelings no more.

You saved me from darkness, you gave me life to breath this air on this planet.

I was broken, all alone. You took that from me.

I love you day and night, i miss you even more day and night.

I am not lonely any more, now filled with warm love, please dont cross that treashold that tells me a bad story.

I kiss you everyday, hold you in my dreams, they are ment to be real, they are ment for us.

Leaving is for those broken hearts, that desires after what we builted. No more lonely, bring me tears, that kind that gave us hope.

Look at me and make me smile, blush....

Listen to your heart, it tells you the very own true story what to come. Belive in your heart as i belive in you.

Together we are strong, together we make the world shake, out of our love.

I was lonely, broken, i listened to my broaken heart, and found you.

You fixed my heart, you saved me. Thank you my love.

Kiss me hold me, never let go, becouse i never left you, or letted you go.

Close your eyes, and i am there with you today, tomorrow i close mine, and i will find two beautiful smooth soft arms around me, smiling and giving me my dreams of hope and faith.

Let us love no matter what.

You saved me, you loved me as you love me today. Tomorrow we are loved as long as a angel lives in Gods paradise.

I love you Kathy Dingco for ever and ever.

Beliving hearts and broken angels in golden feathers

Broken hearts fall apart. Dust of angel winged feathers touch my shoulder.

I turn my head in slow motion to see your eyes, eyes that made me cry for the first time they saw you.

Lonely hearts sing that song birds as silver winged spirits sang.

I walk my way along that road that leads to an empty life without hope or faith.

Sun in my back i stare at the lonely darkness.

Broken angels before i fall apart, come save me from an dark winged angel. Save me from my very own teeth. Cant hold on a moment more in my own temptation of hunger, so come take my hand, lets fly, spread our wings over land and dreams.

Faith of hope, faith of love brings us air under our wings. Touching hand, take my hand, lets fly.

I smile at you, you look at me. We are ment to be in a world that only belongs to us.

Wings of our dust of gold will take us forward, belive and God saves us before we fall apart. Lonely heart of missing hearts will be replaced with two bodys loving each other......

...Just belive.....

måndag 21 februari 2011

Lucifers blueprint

Control taking over your universe.

Coaster of will for being so evil, brings you that evil termination smile where your world burns cells.

Tempting fire with your soul, where is your God?

Take me to a joking place where only devils breathe the same insane air that once was touched by Lucifer.

Dreams are shattered in this place, we call it earth beneath our feet.

Antlers growing strong in forehead, showing its power, eyes red as blood, pupills black like exploding smoke from burning diesel factory.

Winged creatures with broken feathers in blood red sun, stares at my soul, eats my heart. The pain one gaze gave me, the fire which drilled it self in my heart, burned up every vain in me.

Laughing smiles echoes in the fallen world that once were so beautiful, now all fallen in Satans grip.

They fly from east to west, bringing in so many corps which still are alive, thou we are corps yet living once. We will never die in this world, we will suffer for many thousands of years alive and feeling only the pain so real.

We failed as humans because we thought in something that was never ment by god, just becouse WE believed it, not what God believed in.

Where is our saviour now......

..... we have no one now, never more.....

söndag 20 februari 2011

Angel who came to my porch...

-One`s upon a time back before, i asked God if he could send me an angel.

He never sent me any one.

I lived day after day, year after year, nights came, days came.

Morning went my world by and turned in to another morning, but no angel in my dream.

I forgot i ever asked him this that night one long time ago that day.

Bitterness went me on my life, depression i got to taste, that tastes so bitter, so non tasty, so suicidal....

One night i saw an angel, stepping on my porch, i never understood why i saw this beautiful angel.

January came i still dident know, bitterness did iknow bout, he said hi again, until a saturday in January, angel came, God shoved me her, that angel.

Today iknow who she is, she is my everything, my true angel God sent me, and that one i asked before, long time ago that night in cold november day, in December night. She came now...

Love you Kathy Dingco for ever, you are my Angel of my heart, who i love with all my life and heart.

God spoke to me, and i know now what he spoke then.......

Regards from my heart..

Stolen in the morning light, breeze from a word that hurted when she breathed in my ear.
Stolen from my heart, from my soul.
Water flooding down my chin, regards from my heart.
From this moment i cant feel the pain you dscribed to me one late week in juli.
Moments away i thought we were between two worlds, now i live in fear. Fear to be eaten by a word that dont fit in my world.
Regards from my heart, how can i feel what i felt that sunday afternoon in august?

Paris to Rom, Amsterdam to London town. Im so tired to be playing with my heart to give away.
I have been so lone past years, just want to be a man. Tempting frames of thousend flowers that glooming me in my eye. Give me a reason to love you, give me a reason to leave you, woman? Just wanna be a man in a womans world.
Just give me a reason to not leave you.
Cry me tears to kiss away, ever seen a moving smile that gave my heart away?

Flowers blooming in concreate fading in green grass, aliens observing our fights from a world we are not agreing bout.
Its been so long since i cared, i cant explaine why its been so long since you were gone. Lately i felt thoughts that creeping me in under my skin.
Its been so long since you loved me, that you confessed to me.

Its been so long, right now......

söndag 13 februari 2011

Mr Fish under cashiers blouse....

Rolling on, on my rollerblades of steel. Poker in my mind and a clear shooting on the table that i left behind one chilly early monday morning.
My mobile phone rang one morning when i was shopping for my fish. That fish jumped away from me hided under a stone.
I dont like your tone mr fish, i dont like your money mrs cashier.

Show me what you got beneath your skin, your genes. Whistle the skinny genes that Eliza sang.
Life aint more true than you have a dollar in your pocket or two. A cent for my friend and a beer for me. Your point of view has always been a political expertise in a world we dont like.
Show me properly what you like bout my skinny fish, he who hided when i heard you sing that song.

Drink on a train and leave me alone, i will anyway go off in next station here in Buffalo.
Smoke from a cigar smoke from your brain, now you thought again. It is a smelly taste that only you are use to.
I never change, i will never walk away, but i dont like your attitude, neither your latitude.
hate me love me, did you know that its the same feeling, same same but different, so do it properly right. I do forgive you.

Mrs cashier sang skinny genes, mr fish danced the funky shit.

Me, i always leave in that train that missed you so.......

lördag 12 februari 2011

Too late for what.....

Cold winter day in Arizona's djungel stares me in my space of universe to mind and body.
That moon who saw me when i went for fishing corns in the sand, that boy he told me never fish after a cat who ran away.

Face of the year who blowed that horn who God told abraham to gather all humans.
Sound echoes still thousand years after an ordinary day in work. My work is still to take your happiness.

Im glad i came, tomorrow it could have been too late, but today it was perfect. Sun did shine.
No worry no stress, cause i bring you the silver plate that Coldplay sang once.
My head yes.
Bring my shadow of weakness to your room and scream out loud your love that needs to be heard.
Infect my body with your addict of love you whispered one day in sunny beach of Miami.

I type in WWW with my board of buttons called typing board, all i ever thought bout was your WWW beneath your clothes. Hold on, one day i make you mine. Dont apologize, never.
Just type WWW and we will make that love part from that movie we saw one early sunday morning we fell asleep to. Say you are sorry, say you are too late, i dont mind, as long as you come to me, its all good....

Never apologize

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Neverland told me you loved me...

Old street light touched your hair. All summer we sang a song, long the golden sand in San francisco clear beach.
Winter came early that year you told me that you loved me. My friend told me bout her, my friend told me bout the warm breeze.
Bridge in Chicago drank half bottle liquor one tuesday morning, no matter it swung that very same night.
Im going to roll my dices in Las Vegas like a big boy. I sang a song like some other old toy.
On golden shapes of New York Island gates where nasty Bruno hang him self. Starlight from Studio 54 once glimpsed in famous breath. I was there to ride ol`Nothing-ham his wealth.
Sailor from moon smiled at me in lights of Bombay and drinks from New Zealand.

Someday when im alone, when the world is cold, i will swim in the words of the way you look at me tonight. Oh you are so lovely this warm summer night. I can nothing but love you, the way you look tonight.
Tenderness grows, love throws a charming arranged smile, just for me.
You look wonderful tonight in light of shaded candles in Mannerheims pub.
Just the way you look tonight........

River over bleeding dream makes me hide my ocean of feelings, my way of wishing a drifted thought.
World belongs to the lonely once, to the loved once. Baking cookies, baking dreams over Moon river.
You told me you hated me, i looked into your deep dark beautiful eyes and spoke i love you, with hearted ocean waves from my deepest soul you are so beautiful tonight.

Where now what then, we only know the future hold a hand wide open for us. When i fall in love, it will be forever thou i will never fall on the ground.
Fall and i will catch you in the wind.
When i give my heart, it will be completely, for ever....

Old street light touched your hair, you gave me what i longed for, and i will be yours completely for ever, like my heart over golden gates of Neverland...........

tisdag 8 februari 2011

Smooth tasting fable in harmony of sexual frustration

Eyes opened tears wetter than dry.
Blue-Green circle with black pupil meets the world outside eyes circle.
Finger tips gently touching your cheek, your lips, smooth so smooth.
Time never moves in that way others experience it.
Looks between us made time stand still.
World between our lips shrinking closer, breath of our own so near now.
Finger tips gently touching your neck, not being aware of the eyes very own radar.
Taste of summer blooming strawberries and vanilla honey cookies fills my mouth, my tongue, taste of your tongue and lips fills me and my proud with lovely fantasies of dreams that could get true.
Heat of the passion that our souls create makes me week, soft, all warm. Hearts pounding, screaming after more. More to eat, more to have...
Breath is heavy, hard, sounding. Eyes gently closed now, never aware of an attack from outside world. Protected by a world that only God creates when two lips meets between.
Hand there so smooth touching gently shoulders of the love one who filled me with lovely smooth taste in me.
We fell down, on the soft bed, lights turned in to candle light, world belonged now to only us, night was here and we filled the darkness outside with a sound that closed both of our eyes in a wonderful dream that was real......
.... this night i was yours, i was inside you......

måndag 7 februari 2011

Remember me......

Dreams shattered in past, dreams risen from graves.
I speak the language Jesus christ did, i speak a dead language that lives through holy book of bible.
Share and eat with me, share the wine break the bread with me. Round table us waiting for to be joined.
Break the bread share the wine, tell me your story.
Holy book of bible, holy word of love, i once joined satans table, but now together with Moses, Abraham and Jesus Christ i read and listen to his apprentices. Love spreading its wings in me when Tomas the apprentice told he is our saviour, our holy son to our father.

I once were lost, now i am found. Lying down in arms of my love of my life. In my arms my love for her exists very true.
Love has its doubts, love has its tags love comes only shaped in a feeling with a touch of silver ribbon red shining color, love is blind but very seeing.
Shadows from the woods, shadows of my past is very own worded truth.
Flaw my flaws, nail me on my cross, spit in my face, hate me... But i will always forgive you, thou you shall never hate me for who i am, never judge me. I forgive you for having the wrong belive in me. We all fail sometimes........


söndag 6 februari 2011

Silver winged love with a touch of golden bracelets

Touch of string, touch of hope, brings love to the air.
Devils dancing on grave yard, feeling so full of fear.
Wind blows to the north, attached storms catches that scared kid.
Our paths lead us to northern area of no mans land as we once did.
Hey girl dont let go, take this moment to enjoy.
Never here to deploy.
Sleepy once never wake alone, they only fell asleep twice.
Woken boys, playing girls are dealing with dice.
This is love that we feel, but what about the love that you hiding from me?
Was that for he or was that for a she, im only here to bring you free love, and i hope it was for me.
Strings of attached feelings running scared, and bringing death to truth.
Kids have a thing to be called youth.
Clear is that this is love and it is free, go, do what you want, but remember, catch my free love.

Its for you only for you so take this moment think, and dont let it slip away, all complicated feelings are flying like doves.
Im here to share my love, do go what you want, but fly always to me when sun goes down, for i will need your love then the most. Stay a moment from your heart. Stay a lifetime, thou i will....

lördag 5 februari 2011

Reveals life, THIS is who i am....

Who am i? Let me tell you readers who i am... My name is Michael, i see things, things ppl normally don`t see. I see things that is hard for a normal person to indicate, i see codes in picture way, like clouds dark clouds. These codes are 90% true and i do can trust them. When they gather together, i see them inside of me, i see them moving slowly towards me, that means trouble is on the way, which shape that only has to come for me to see. Best part, they can change direction, still for me to waite to see.
Its not only clouds i see, i interpret dreams, ppls life, i see sometimes ppls near future. i read minds and souls, not thoughts. Where ever i go i read life, its like a mathematic fool always sees things in numbers and counts things in life, society. Its so annoying that all the time behave like this, never relax, always see things, things that are so hard to know if they have weigh or not.
Now dark clouds DONT mean that its gonna happen, as long as they are moving towards me slowly like now, i can be calm, because i learned that that don`t mean directly that its gonna happen it means that i must be aware for something can happen. And thats why i`know i must act fast. Do something, Never change the future, let it change you, in this case with slow moving dark clouds, i am letted to change my future, fast moving dark clouds is problem will come and it will hit me and there is nothing i can do about it. Dark clouds al ready over me is that i am stuck in shit deep, that i already lost my round.....
So yes ppl, i am not normal, i am weird, but i cant change who i am nor will i. But im not saying that i like my weird me either, i wanna be like anyone else, just take it chill. Not worry about shit...
Welcome, now u know who i am and how i work, god i hate this and my life, only thing that keeps me up is my huge love inside me for my baby....

This is Mike, signing out for tonight.

Violins in London fog

Smell of suburban fruits hits the mixture of orange blended apple cider.

Violin notes flying through the air, crossing our eardrum.

Light of purple pink fly like the motion of the wind thrue the air. Our brown shaded black floor stays cold as stone can be. Dark walls melts in to the outside fog among the streets of London where Oliver Twist use to run from the police.

Kings ruled the hills once, queens visited the lands of destruction after Churchills war.

Silent is spreading its wings and giving peace to the man who touched the base string and made a melody sound like angels breath taken from Gods yard.

Clocks of Big Ben is aching in our system, we remember when twin tower fell, we remember when shakespeare wrote that story.

Souls so empty so black of desire, hands shaking cells shivering. We all know that one day we no more play among our friends, one day we all are lost. And yet found.

Strings of violin, strings of base and powerful drum whips sounding in our city, city of hope and desire. Still with no hope only fear of failing and destruction.

Night time has come, day time awates. Sun is gone to hell, wind is blown to a spell.

Dreams can only fit when there is people to dream them.

Violin notes flying through the air, crossing our eardrum and making cupid fly like a drunk dagger thrue the air.....

torsdag 3 februari 2011

Dreams of NY and shadows of silver green grass

Soldiers marching. Soldiers counting for every step a man takes in that line, for every man that falls on our way to Terabithia.

Battlefield glimpse once from green shadows of tree leaves and smooth green grass, man was there with rifles and swords to plane that green feeling to dust.

We are all brothers in arms, we all share one DNA, still we fight for what we belive in.

He pulled the trigger and killed a man, he had 2 sons and 1 girl. He had a wife....

Heroes we are for killing fathers, heroes we are for saving private Ryan.

Through land and desire, thrue fields and destruction, our home is the fields behind lowlands.

Sing that song with me, that song only i heard once. In my dream land i will be baptised and witness your death. Battle will rise, and i will be lonely in heaven. Alarm after the deserted man who stared at the eyes of death. So many diffrent worlds, so many diffrent citys, where light hits the eyes, New York is only a example of many.

Guitar in the shade of the night played on its strings that blended me in moon shine. That sound echoed in my head long time before our time together.

We are fools to belief we survive this morning in sunny red honey dipped in hot chocolate thrue the window. We are fools, but we choose still belive in this foolishness.

My health is no good, neither was i a good samaritan before either, i am only simple man with open heart.

I am only simple samaritan, nor good nor bad, but still i can be evil, when i choose that.

Now play that song u sang to me, and let me fall asleep again.....

onsdag 2 februari 2011

He who love her

I sail to philadelphia, find me a good samaritan. I swear you make me mad you sweet liberty.

Save america, drive to New Jearsey and buy your self a T-shirt. Cold winter day in Moscow draws the line between Nile and Mississippi. Make a living in hell, make a dollar on the street, i will welcome you any way.

Love i found im so happy, and i never had to trade that scull against a bag full of coins like indy did.

Sail to northern France once, but stay home before it becomes Germany. Live in Sweden before you live in Finland.

Ladys i will enjoy, ladys i will respect, but my love never goes that way, its my star to ride the way only i know of.

Come my love let us fly long away from here, where only you and me can see that star that God choose to give to the perfect couple to see, you and me Kathy, you and me, like it should be for ever.

Jordy boy hold your horses, thou the morning tide will see the sun, feel the morning breeze.

James, JAMES you can now bring in her, she came. Let her in.

Mason dixon line, i sailed with once, Mason saw me, i never saw him. Bring me a cup of tea, a cup of coffee. Life is too short to say no.

- Kathy my love you bring me tears to my eyes, those not even flies jives.

You my love give me more than you know of, that makes me cough.

Can i sleep next you, if only once, then i will say as we say here: ge mig en chans.

Touch me, love me, make me a man, only you that can.

Suffer no more my love, suffer no more, i will your tear store.

We are no deserted once, we are those who got that dance.

Be with me Kathy, be with me, and i will be that he for she..........

MOON rides high, moon looks upon us, down from the star, there we shall sail, sail to philadelphia.

Love you so much Kathy my love....