lördag 1 januari 2011

Justyfie thursday

Justifye your self, tell me the world beyond beauty.
What is beautyness? Do we really know, its diffrent couse we are unique.
Why are we unique, God gave us free will to live.
Love is love, and fue knows them words.
Willing to sacrifice, willing to give and get. Egoistic does not eco in love forum.

I heard eco kling in my ears long time ago, yesterday.
Sum of all fierce, the sum of all joy. Bring in the new, delete the old, James has she come yet?
No im starting to belive she never comes, ask her the phone number next time you dumb white skinny ass...
I gave my number, she trashed it, called me cheep ass from outer space. Im no alien, im no nothing, only a ghost for you.
remember, everytime you wipe that sweet ass of yours, you will remember me, couse it was me who put up with your whining you mother ´cock sucking skinny puss...

Love dont recognize in my world, it only feeds it selfe, when ever it wants.

Trees are blooming, trees are whining thrue the wind. Your hairstraw blew little to the left, i took it to the right.
i looked in to your eyes, deep down in your shiny eyes. I told you a lullabye that made my heart race for you.
I kissed you gently on your lips, sweet wet kisses made from blooming apple trees with a taste of plum in a wine bottle, we were drunk that other day.
Make love, share a mysterious world between two naked bodys, sweatning, sounding.
On tuesday i gave you love, on wednesday i made love, to you.
Friday came and you were gone as the wind that died on a saturday morning.
Sunday i rest, sunday i feel sad. Sunday was the day God created the world.
Im all warm now, my shirt fell of... Exposed my chest, every shape shined in the light of candles i litted for you, when you never came...
i blew off the light...

You never came huh.... Never came to me... I blame my self, i never made love on monday morning like i said i would, i never did.
Weekday has its smile you never smile, weekend has its cry, cry you always did.
Sun will rise in the east, set in west, snow rises from north, heat sets down in south, we all need something from the elements of life, i choosed love.
2010 to 2011, every ones happy, i am sad, i am lonely, lonely boys waiting for that lonely girl.
I hate my life, please kill me slowly, like you did with our love.
I hate you, i kill you, i piss on you, i love you.

Thursday i saw you, next to your name on the door was a nother name.....

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