lördag 21 april 2012

GOD will never forgive you

Darkness took over his soul, over his heart.
He worked day and night.
Not knowing where he was heading at, where he was bout to end up.
The wine he was zipping on, made him totally out of controll, he dident more see him as the one he once was.
Who was he?
Answers never ached between the walls that surrounded him where he was.
Never spoken word, nor thought.
Never a tear fallen on the ground, he was compleatley alone.
Alone from that breath the woman took once.

She told him she was the one for him, he doubted, why? Becouse her words dident sound the way she was telling them.
She was a gift to him, aswell as a mistery to him. How could he ever belive what he never had been touching?
She drew him mad, mad over the border, border of feelings and depressions of sadness.
Who was she to claim him hers? Who was she to tell him one thing, and menting some other thing?
I do not know.
Neither did she, even that iknew better then that word.

I drank another zip on my cider, the cider was ment to drown him, in the lies that she spoke.
How canm iknow what you meen when you speak a diffrent language?
How can i know...
She changed alot since the day that god took it away. The love.
Words travell faster then the truth of silence.
Words... yeah words so dangerous so silent.
All this time, all theese lies.... Why? Why? Why?

She denies it in her mind.
Iknow you are lieing, i smell that so clear.
Open your palm infront of you, and you will see a fire, a flame enter on it, that flame is your truth...
It dont burn? No becouse you are as black as the death in your soul.
Dont bring your lies upon me and wonder why the hell i am not around anymore... Dont shade the tear you told once.
Dont ever use GOD in your words just to get what you want, shame on you... SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!

You dont listen, i can feel it, you only care for your self, you always did, you love your self more then you eve can love anyone else. May God have mercey upon your soul, upon your black destroyed soul of lies.
You talk, but all i feel is that you are spitting.
So pathetic.... I laugh becouse you are more then pathetic.
You dont burn my soul with your words, you only nurse my hate even more.
Dont ever do that....

Dont ever use GOD as a weapon to get... what... you... want.....

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