söndag 12 december 2010

Not yet, not yet

I held your hand, i saw you fall asleep for one last time...
I wiped your tears one more time, i held you in my arms, now you are far from me, where i no longer can see you smile...

We cryed, we played, i held you when you fell and cryed, i wiped your tears for then to see you smile, but now i hold you for one last time.
You lie in my arms , tears of mine falls down upon your beautiful innocent face.
You dont no longer look at me, you closed your eyes, for good.
Not yet, please, not yet my sweet child, not yet...
Stay for a moment with me, stay a life time.
No more laugh, no more smiles, no more of what was one time we.
I love you my sweet child, my darling, angels upon us will keep you safe...

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