tisdag 12 juni 2012

I am the one that dissepeared

We are the once that dissepeared. I am the one that burned.
I have deleted my memories, as the ashes that lies silent right next to my soul..
Everything will be to the end, one day.... one day...

Let us escape, far from here, let us be those who dissepeared.
Let us escape the worthy lack of memories that you spitted on.
We know, everybody knows... That one day somewhere in the room, it will all be to the end.

I was standing still, my teddy was hanging there in my arm, telling me i need help.
Flames already helped me.
I will never be my self again, never again....

Im tired of your nag, of your fucking nagging. I will never be my self more.
I am standing here in the flames, and i need help.
I smile becouse the flames ate me alive, but i smiled.

I am, one of them who dissepeared. One of them who dissepeared....
Tattoo of the match boy on that package was melting down, in one yellow blue fire flame.
One of those who dissepeared, one of those rejected once.

I am my own destiny, i am one of a kind, still the same i was when i died.
I am my own retardness dream, whats in my head is a big secret, a secret that was allso one of them who dissepeared.

I am stupid, i am retarded, i am fucked up, i am the one that is easy to hate, hard to love, and i smile.
I smile becouse i am burning in your eyes, i smile becouse i will never be my self in your eyes.
Crows fly over my corp, crows smile with their eyes of black hateful lies.

I am the one that dissepeared.....

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