söndag 3 juni 2012

Do i really fight when i question you

Strange love, makes your heart question. Dream love makes your heart desire.
Velvet blue lagoons my heart saw and dreamed, velvet blue lagoons there still existed.
He told you: "together we go" I wondered was that a question from him? To you?

Strange love, dream as you dream of, strange love thats what we hold in us.
Did i make you smile, or was it a dream you smiled at?
Blame fully we respect, blame fully we strip of the feelings.
Some we keep for our selves we dont want our beloved to know becouse we want them in that shape we dream of.

To be naked infront of the one you love, isnt many who manages. Naked is when you reviel everything.
Fear so strong that it makes us lie, just becouse we are afraid to loose someone we love if we tell the whole story, so we change the story a bit so it sounds more nicer, less dangerous to loose what we fear to loose.

Lie there is many shapes of, lies are so easy to create, truth can never be created, it develoaps in us, it develoaps when we skip the lie.
Do you understand what im trying to tell you? Or do you understand only what you want to understand?
I will give you a book, a book thats called: Michael who he is for dummies...
Same book they sell for people who wants to understand the WINDOWS for computers, its called: Windows for dummies...
It has nothing to do if you are dumb. It only explains the easy way how to handle windows.

What is a lie? It is when we dont tell the whole story from upside down to up.
We think we do something good by not telling the whole story so thw one we love wount be sad.
But hey, its there where everything goes to hell, i rather heare a cold heart breaking truth then a lie that sounds so good in me.
Becouse the truth you can live with but not a lie.

I rather feel nothing at all then getting hurted by a lie.

I never choosed to love you, my heart did. Belive me it would be much easyer to not love you then love you. Becouse without having feelings to you, i wouldent sit here and worrying over everything everyday.
I could focus on my ego, instead of prepairing for death everyday.

I dont like being inlove, but the same time its a feeling i wouldent wanna live without.
If you knew only for a second what impact you have on me.
I dont trust people, i never did. I trust you, still sometimes, just sometimes the breeze comes and sais to me; can you REALLY trust her? Iknow that i can, but i hate to admitt that sometimes i do ask my self: WTF is she up too now???
I dont have to see that you are up to something...
I went once in your soul, took a mind tripp and i did it becouse iknow that i connect my soul in yours and thats how iknow what you are up too and when.
Its called: connection, soul connection.

Truth has only one story, but your storys thats suppose to be true has several storyes along time passes by...
Im a child that is born and rased to memories everything the one i love sais to me, becouse my mother who i loved lied to me many years.

I tell you how it feels when somebody is lieing to you, specially the one you love does:
-It feels like you no longer can trust the one you want to have as the last to trust you.
-It feels like a bad edged knife is carving out your heart litterately.
-You cant breath, or think.
-All you feel is why, and the tears just pooring out.
-It DESTROYS everything, it makes you suicidal.
-You never recover from that sickness, you stop trusting people.
-You can never have a good relationship to anyone more in future, just becouse you lied.

Trusting someone is so important, building up a trust takes time, destroying that can be done in one second.

If you loose my trust to you once, you never... get.... it.... back..........

Giving your love to someone means more then some are aware of, we let thenm have the power to destroy us.
Do i have to carry a gun? NO. But i fear i have to do that, and have the gun in a box that sais: FIRST AID KIT.

First aid kit to use when i dont longer trust you, so i can use that gun and pull the trigger pointed against my head.
You see, without you i will die slowly, so i rather do it fast and get over with it, then suffer for days maybe years.
When you say trust me, i do, but why do i feel anxiety later, why do i fear if you tell me to trust you?
Either i need to kill me, or something is not as you say it is in the air.

Chaos, life is a chaos, it brings us hopes, it brings us destinys to reach.
Do you belive in love at first sight? I do becouse i went thrue love at first sight with you.

I dont leave never. But i hope that all you telling me is truth and nothing bout the truth, not in your belive, i mean in my belive and gods belive.
Dont use gods name to try proof your innocens just to hide the real story. I dont wanna heare you speak bout the truth, i want to see it, want to see proof on that.
I dont leave you even if i loose my trust in you forever, it will only be a relationship where i wount belive anything you say to me. Then we live in a relationship that is a jail, a jail you never get away from.

Time shows the truth and time reviels the lies, and i am very patient, i always seek the truth, and will find it, the sooner you reviel the truth from your heart, the sooner i can start to trust you.
If there isnt any lie baked in your storyes, then its so good. But how can iknow without the proof, only you know.

People see lies as diffrent then some others. I see lie as everything that avoids the story you tell me, is a lie. Small lies its ok like if i told you i go and eat, and choose to instead go out, that IS a lie, but no serious.

Dont open your mouth if its dirty. Dont open your mouth if you dont keep to that story you are about to tell me. Just BE quiet.

Im a christian, and i want it many ways, but allways the true way nothing else. Remember that!!

Do i expect too much when i want it that way? Do i fight as soon i question you? Yea if you belive i fight as soon i question you, then YOU are lieing to me whole the time bout EVERYTHING!

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