tisdag 30 november 2010


Where the silence is, where the broken arrow stopped swirling thrue the air.
Beyond our minds, illusions, desire. There we stay disoriented and lost.
Magic kingdoms dolphins swimming and dragons flying to eat up the rest of human kind that ever ruled this earth.
Protected from the dark, we seek our salvation that never comes.
We are dreamers as the rest of us canibalistic selfish human kind.
Even if the night comes draging with its darkness, Norrland will stay out of it. Sun never sets there at winter.
Its cold, cold as in syberia, there where no one lives, why do we live there?
We sing with our hearts, some of are broken ones, some of us holds a girl in our heart.
I sing for you with my heart.
Open your hand and do not slap, you are there by doomed by God.
Open your arms and take in your beloved, and you are loved by God.
Beyond our kingdom of heaven lyies our dreams, our reality, its up to you to deside whats what of them.

These silent hearts, the rush is just the same, let silence be broken............

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