onsdag 28 mars 2012

Truth lyes beneith the words of a touch of a poem sentence

A raindrop fell from sky.
Hit the ground, brought new life upon mother earth.
A raindrop called "tear of god" in peoples mouths.

I never dreamed of golden silver and woven silk dreams.
I never asked you to say "thank you".
All i ever wanted was to help.

A help that was forgotten in a forreign land.
Rainbow meets the shadows of the past, creates a dream that only god understands.
My dreams no one understands, not me atleast.

I gave you the hand to eat from, i gave you my heart as a plate.
You never washed the plate after you ate from it.
Now i am the one whos washing the plate after you.

Gods tears fell upon the mother earth, brought back life on the ground shaped in green leafes and brown stick.
He smiled, and human picked it.
The rose died on the kitchen table in a wase one early tuesday morning in the morning sun beems lighted upon it...

Tv showed me a program, bout life, i felt that it was a rerun on my life.
If you ask me bout my life, i tell you straight up in your face on a nice way that you can compeare that with a company that is crashing...
Somehow i enjoy that, somehow i hate it to my guts.

Empathy... What is empathy? I only felt its breeze some times...
Empathy, love, life... Its all holding hands, my hand they relised long time ago.
Im not sad, only bitter and hateful to me my self and i.

Hate.... You cant love someone if you hate him. Hate and love are the same but baptised in diffrent cattles
Thats why you cant hate and love one prototype the same time.
Iknow that becouse i hate my self more then you will ever be aware of, and me love my self? That will never happen.

I never dreamed of anything else then just having a life i can survive thrue, not even that i got.
why the hell dident my mother swallow me 1978?

Gods tears fell upon earth, touched the ground gave new life, but he forgot me..........

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