onsdag 28 mars 2012

Truth lyes beneith the words of a touch of a poem sentence

A raindrop fell from sky.
Hit the ground, brought new life upon mother earth.
A raindrop called "tear of god" in peoples mouths.

I never dreamed of golden silver and woven silk dreams.
I never asked you to say "thank you".
All i ever wanted was to help.

A help that was forgotten in a forreign land.
Rainbow meets the shadows of the past, creates a dream that only god understands.
My dreams no one understands, not me atleast.

I gave you the hand to eat from, i gave you my heart as a plate.
You never washed the plate after you ate from it.
Now i am the one whos washing the plate after you.

Gods tears fell upon the mother earth, brought back life on the ground shaped in green leafes and brown stick.
He smiled, and human picked it.
The rose died on the kitchen table in a wase one early tuesday morning in the morning sun beems lighted upon it...

Tv showed me a program, bout life, i felt that it was a rerun on my life.
If you ask me bout my life, i tell you straight up in your face on a nice way that you can compeare that with a company that is crashing...
Somehow i enjoy that, somehow i hate it to my guts.

Empathy... What is empathy? I only felt its breeze some times...
Empathy, love, life... Its all holding hands, my hand they relised long time ago.
Im not sad, only bitter and hateful to me my self and i.

Hate.... You cant love someone if you hate him. Hate and love are the same but baptised in diffrent cattles
Thats why you cant hate and love one prototype the same time.
Iknow that becouse i hate my self more then you will ever be aware of, and me love my self? That will never happen.

I never dreamed of anything else then just having a life i can survive thrue, not even that i got.
why the hell dident my mother swallow me 1978?

Gods tears fell upon earth, touched the ground gave new life, but he forgot me..........

lördag 10 mars 2012

Euphoria and a sunshine dream in a dessert island

Its a love song.
A love song for those who belive in love.
Love.... Love, what is love?
Love we create, aswell as destroy.
Feelings we produce in our heart.
If you dont belive, it dont exist?
I keep my self day and night awake, wondering, twisting, turning tasting, that word; LOVE....
It tasted so sweet on my tounge fue months ago, now its a bittersweet symphony in my mouth.

Even the slightest drop in my mouth, cant get that word to water on my tounge...
Am i doomed?
You tell me.
Euphoria they say Love is like, i say im lost in that fucking euphoria.
You want me to be honest? Im empty in my shell.
You want me to lie?
I give you something i cant give you....
Euphoria, she sang that and refeared to how love is best way described in her mind, that Loreen.

Watermelon popped in my head right now. That tastes sweet, on my tounge.
Love, no love dont taste sweet on my tounge, if i belive in that? I dont know...
It feels only as a burden to weare right now.
Maybe am i too heavily drowned in my own misery thoughts, maybe am i going straight against the gates of hell...?
All iknow is that the feeling is not there right now.
Hard to explaine without getting cought, hard to say without getting misunderstood.
If i tell you the dramatic scene in take 3 in my story that could have been a movie if only George Lucas would have known me. If only he would have known me....
He dont know me so i guess im out of signing autographs.

Love... Yeah love love love. I sound like the Beetles now..... "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away"...
My troubles seemes not far away, they are very near me, very in present with me.
Love and problems walk hand in hand, mine does, my problems killed love and now dragging that shit with him, like hand coughed in its arm to another arm.
Im armed with dangerous words that wants to be aimed straight to a heart and puncture it with a small hole that made it bleed red poisoned blood.

I saw once a lighted portal that i thought was love. Now i know i walked in the dessert island of sand without water for a day, and i felt like i had been walking for weeks.
Euphoria, i think thats a feeling we only heare when it knocks on our door, and when we open the door it is running wild and dissepearing as it came from; Nowhere.
"When love comes knocking on your door, dont be too late to open it" i told that once, i dont know what i was talking bout, i can not agree to what i said back then fue years ago. I must have been in that dessert of island.

Im cold and im freezing, still its bloody warm inside, in this room.
This moment is a dreeam, this moment only exists for now.
Next moment, well that i have to see when it comes, only then can i tell if i still are in that dessert or not.
But for now, i dont belive in anything called: Euphoria or Love.
Wake me up, if you can....